Author Archives: Richard Graham

Junior High Game: Make your own Wordsearch

Jamie has sent in this great idea for Junior High or older students: ——————————————————– If you have students that are acting out or bored because they are just too fast, or you just want a fun activity. Try this. 1) Put the students in pairs and give them a blank gridded worksheet. 2) Get them…

1st Grade Hiragana & Katakana

If you’re teaching any 1st grade kids this year, here’s a link your teachers might find useful: It’s “ε›½θͺžkokugo” – learning to read and write in Japanese – in a Genki English style! Please pass the link on if you can!

Lots of tips for shyness and teaching shy kids

Elizabeth has sent in a link to an excellent article on teaching shy kids. Β There are lots of resources, lesson ideas and definitions about teaching kids who are shy – well worth a read! One take away line is that 50% of Americans are said to be shy – now try telling that to your…

Start your own school Tip 4: Get more Students with these Superhero Demo Lessons

Eventually you will have a waiting list of students desperate to join your school. Β  That’s your aim. Β That’s your goal. And if you’re not there yet, Β or just starting out, thenΒ demo lessons can be one of the most powerful ways to get new students. Β  They’re often free, although sometimes paid, and give parents…

Study Abroad: η•™ε­¦ in γƒ‘γƒ«γƒœγƒ«γƒ³

As you may have gathered from yesterday’s post, I’m in Australia at the moment. Β  I’m over here looking at study abroad options for students. Β  Apart from the language side of things (i.e. it’s one of the quickest ways to get fluent) I reallyΒ believeΒ that everyone should at some point have the chance to either…

Paper Toys – free cut out models of famous landmarks

We’ve had the Meddybemps cut out village on here before, but what about free cut out paper models of famous places from around the world? Β Have a look at This is what I’m looking at at the moment!