Author Archives: Richard Graham

πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ³ How to teach cooking lessons without needing a kitchen!

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Richard Graham – GenkiEnglish! (@genki_richard_graham) πŸ‘©β€πŸ³Β After yesterday’s awesome Pancake Day Lesson, here areΒ 3 ways I’ve found to do cooking lessons without needing a kitchen! 1. 🍳πŸ₯š Use toy food! 2. πŸ–¨οΈ Use printed pictures of the food. 3. πŸ’­ Imagination – get the kids…

If you want to try Genki English …

If you want to try Genki English … In quite a few countries it’s coming up to the new school right now. And if you want to try Genki English, to see how it works for you and your students, Β the easiest way is just to sign up as a student.Β  It’s only a few…

Kids these days have got such short attention spans!! But is that really true?

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Richard Graham – GenkiEnglish! (@genki_richard_graham) “Kids these days have got short attention spans, they’re impossible to teach!” This is something I hear a lot these days. The thing is that I have been teaching since I was 16, so when I hear it, it…

ZsΓ³fia’s Amazing Firebird Stickerbooks!

ZsΓ³fia just wrote in to share how her students have been using the Genki English Avatars as a motivation sticker book! I’ve been meaning to share this for some time now but I just got to the end of my “experiment”. I used the firebird avatars to reward a group of younger students. The story…

Analogue + Digital: 18 New Magazine Style Workbooks!

The tablet is always going to be the heart of learning English at home because that’s the only place kids, and more importantly their parents, Β can get the correct sounds at home. But we also want it to be as an immersive learning experience as we can, not just screen time. The idea is that…

Your very first English lesson, the very first 10 minutes :)

Hello, Everyone has different preferences and combinations of how they learn. * We all need to hear the new words. * Most of us need to see it. Β  (With flashcards, not writing just yet) * And many of us need to feel it. (With gestures and actions) So the more of these we can…