Author Archives: Richard Graham

Adults Course Part 2

Had another day of testing Genki English with adult classes.Β  Instead ofΒ  the traditional “done that”, it was a case of getting them able to use the English fluently, and seeing if we could have a great time doing it… Class 1 – Coffee Morning Class People who have the time to turn up at…

Genki English Adults Course

Over in China we’re promoting the Genki English lessons to English schools as a course for adults, because it basically addresses all the confidence and language issues that most adults have here. Everyone is raving about how good it is and the download pack is extremely affordable for a 70 to 100 hour course, but…

Lots More Printables for CD9

I’ve just uploaded a whole load of new printables to go with the CD9 themes.Β  You’ve got minicards, dice, islands games and spaghetti worksheets. Enjoy! For I’m a superhero! I can: Pronouns: I, you ,he, she etc. Eat! Drink! Dance! + What do you want to do? What do you want to be? I’ve also…

Why “Swine Flu” proves Schools fail

If you watch CNN, the BBC or any other media outlet, they’ve suddenly switched from saying the world has ended from the “economic crisis” to now we’re all doomed by “swine flu”. Those people not living on planet Earth, or those who believe what they read in the news, would think it’s the end of…

Genki in Seoul

If you ever see on my schedule that I’m planning on spending just 24 hours in a country again and aim to get some work done then please email me and tell me I’m mad! Especially if it’s Korea, the only country I’ve ever known highway traffic jams to last past midnight! I spent this…

Thinking Bigger and Why We Need YOU To Do It

The big buzz around the blogosphere this week is for Michael Port’s “Think Big Manifesto“. It’s not a new concept, it just says that thinking big is just as easy as thinking small, so you might as well think as big as you can! The idea of the book is that it applies to anything,…