It’s always great to hear when studentsΒ overcome the teachers who tell them they can’t, check out this TEDx speech: Lots of fantastic lin...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
Hello, Amye has sent in this really great Powerpoint with several games to go with the Easter Egg Hunt lesson. You know, I never knew you could do so ...
You might have noticed a few “Ninja Baby Monkeys” around the site the last few weeks. So today I’m very happy to bring you a brand n...
Joseph wrote in to ask: My major problem in starting my own school is FUNDS – INVESTMENT. HOW CAN YOU HELP ? What an excellent question! If you ...
Jaynie asked for origami games ( what’s that?) for What are you doing? & PronounsΒ so Hugo made them up for you! Enjoy! Β Β ...
Coming from a hard science background I’m always a littleΒ suspiciousΒ of social science research (too small sample sizes and too many variables...