Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Chiara wrote in to ask: How important is it for a teacher who is not a native speaker to have a perfect pronunciation? I think I am a very ‘pass...

Yuliana wrote in ask: Hello Richard, Thank you soooooo much for all the advices and tips for the class. Do you use the worksheets in your classes or i...

It’s time to update the printed Genki English worksheet books. Β  I’d love to hear your thoughts, so my question is … Which workshee...

Barbara just sent in a fantastic suggestion for using the How are you? Monster or Nemo Game but for weather…. 1. Β Before the class starts hang ...

I hope you were as impressed as I was with Kamila & Margits amazing cooking lessons the other day. They were amazing weren’t they! And if yo...

  Melanie wrote in to ask: Thanks again.I’m thoroughly enjoying this! My question, at this moment, is: when and how to begin introducing th...