Got the flu? Get well soon! Flashcards & Mini Cards

I hope the flu’s not effecting your lessons too much – I know quite a few classes have been suspended. But whilst it’s around we might as well take the chance to use it to teach some useful English.

And of course the most useful English is “Get well soon!” The song and animation are onΒ CD10and by request I’ve just made up A4 flashcards and mini cards of the “before and after” characters from the song. Enjoy if you can!

A4 Flashcards Get Well Soon Colour Mini Cards Black & White Mini Cards Black and White

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How have you been teaching this song?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

4 Responses to “Got the flu? Get well soon! Flashcards & Mini Cards”

  1. Margit

    Don’ want to be pushy, but I very much join Julian’s request for a Christmas Uno Game AND not enough I’ll add my request for a “Are you okay? Uno game”

    It’s a bit higher level, but it would be great to have
    My head
    His stomach
    Her back hurts
    Your leg

    Maybe put it into your request pocket .

  2. richard

    No problems, all requests are gratefully received! πŸ™‚

  3. gumby

    This has been super easy to teach. First I find someone who is under the weather, very easy this time of the year, and get the students to think of what they would say to him/her. Then I tell them one phrase is, “Get well soon!”
    I show them the gesture. My gestures are two closed fists one on top of the other as if holding a thin long pole. I start off with the fists horizontal and say “GET” and then put them vertical as if I were putting the pole in the original position and say, “WELL” and last is a gesture almost like snapping your fingers and say “SOON” WELL is not very easy for Japanese students to say, so I tell them to do the gestures as I speak just so they can hear the words. I alternate speeds so that they have to listen carefully. Depending on the class I may have them listen to the song first or I may have them practice saying the words. Then I just play the video. The graphics are fun and really grab their attention.
    I used it with the Doctor Doctor song, so it tied in really well in a skit at the end. I have also just played it as a warm-up or as an in between activity in the next couple of lessons. Simple!

  4. Julian-k

    I just love the B&A carrots!!


    The Uno games are great, arnt they. I love the “are you okay?” idea!

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