💖 How to increase your income as an English teacher – starting at zero cost…

Most teachers of English in the world sadly only earn around $200 or $300 per month.  Many other teachers have made the jump to teach privately and earn $2,000 to $3,000 per month.  Then there are those who really optimize what they do and earn $10,000 or more per month.

And of course there are also the crazy, superstar English teachers who bring in the millions of dollars each year!

So what’s the difference between the $200 & $10,000 per month teachers?

That’s what I’m going to show you here, how I went from one student (from one postcard pinned up in a local supermarket) to teaching millions of students around the world.   And … to get started it won’t cost you anything.   My aim is to get you some money first,  then you might like to buy my rather awesome teaching materials, then you’ll earn some more 🙂

Deciding to be a higher paid teacher is the first step.   Don’t let the “imposter syndrome” ( that little voice that says it’s not possible for you) win.   You speak English.  90%+ of English teachers in the world can’t.   You can learn to teach English better.  And you can learn to earn more from it.   It’s education,  just like we tell our students.

If you feel any of those income numbers are too high for you, don’t worry.  Similarly if you think some of those numbers are too low, don’t worry, we’ve got things for you too.

So let’s get the mindset right first.  Then you to learn the skills.

(Several years ago, along with mindset and skills, location used to be a factor too, but thanks to the internet that has disappeared, anyone can teach from anywhere right now!)

At Genki English we’re not only about helping you teach the best lessons ever, I also want to give you the skills to keep moving up those pay scales.  

Teaching English correctly is a great job AND you should be paid handsomely for it.

Great teachers, like you,  are in HUGE demand around the world.  Average teachers, not so much.  You have to become greater each day at what you do, surround yourself with people who move you forward and also learn the right ways to succeed academically & financially for you and your students.

So to help increase your teaching income, and depending on how much your currently earn from teaching, I have 3 plans for you …


Step 1 is Free (!). For beginners: How to add the first $100 or $1000 to your teaching income:  

If you’re just starting out or things are really desperate, this one is for you.  It’s free.   No emails.  No money down.  It’s here on the website so you can earn your first $100 or $1000 teaching English to pay your bills and treat your kids.   You don’t get any personal attention from me but you get all the information and strategies you need to get started.  Enjoy 🙂

What’s the catch?   How can it be so valuable if I give it away for free?  

I make my money from making and selling my (rather amazing!) teaching materials. And if you don’t have any money you can’t buy them 🙂

So if I can show you how to make extra money first, hopefully you’ll be so impressed that you’ll want to use some of it to buy my rather cool materials.

Now, most people will think “ah, it’s free, I’ll check it out later”  or they read, read, read and don’t take action.   You need to read it, do it, read it, do it and take action on each step.  If you want to get the banana you’ve got to climb the tree.   But I’ve got a good feeling about you,  I think you’ll put the work in 🙂 You can find it all here  – enjoy!

Then once you’ve made your first $100 or $1000 teaching English it’s time to move to the next level …..


Step 2  The  Professional Teacher:  How to add an extra $10,000 per year to your teaching income:

If you’ve made that first $1,000 or more teaching English (using the free ideas above or elsewhere) you’ve now earned some money and can start to invest in learning how to move up the scale.  Saving time, becoming efficient and getting more than enough income to pay your bills and expenses are the key here.

So the “How to add an extra $10,000 per year to your teaching income”  bonus course I currently offer as a bonus with the $89 per month Teacher’s Set. 

(The set costs $89 per month and shows how to earn an extra $10,000 per year teaching English,  I think that sounds like a pretty good deal, yeah?)   

Note, most people don’t actually make this much.  They read but don’t do.    They make excuses.    Make sure you are a doer who puts the training into practice and learns what works for most teachers in nearly all countries.   (If you are working in ultra low income areas then we have a separate program for you.) 

VIP members can find the “How to add an extra $10,000 per year to your teaching income”  training in the VIP menu at the top of this page.   For non-VIPs you become a VIP when you buy the Teacher’s Set exclusively here.

Then once you’ve done that …..

Step 3:  The $100k+ Teaching Business.  It’s time to aim for the $100,000+ per year group!

When you are already in the big leagues and earning 10s of $1000 per year teaching English and want to take it further,  then we have a full Genki Business Course for you.  It covers marketing, pricing, staffing, investing, everything you need on the business side of running an offline or online school or being a freelance teacher.

This one isn’t for everyone.  This is only for teachers who want to make a BIG difference and earn well from making that difference.   It covers 30 years of experience from countries right around the world and gives you a community,  a new home.   It’s always “family first/lifestyle first” and if you’re ready for it you will love how much time and energy this is going to save you as well as learning how to increase your income & social impact.


Bonus Step:  The top of the tree, the $1m per year superstars

If you’re nearing this level you’re more than likely using social media to its full advantage and/or you have expanded your school into several locations.   For this level you need personalized help and professional guidance so do get in touch about my coaching and consulting packages.


Let’s get you paid very well for doing some amazing teaching!

I am going to help you teach some amazing lessons and, if you let me, I’m also going to show you how to be paid very well for all the work you do, especially in the current crazy environment!

So pick your program above and off we go!

Be genki,


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!