This weekend was a fantastic workshop in Lviv, just like being in a Christmas wonderland – this was the view from the window!


Thank you everyone for traveling in, from 3 different countries and asking so many amazing questions!

Here’s some of what we did …..

I think I tired everyone out with all that – especially having 6 languages (English, Japanese, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Polish) ย going on at once! ๐Ÿ™‚


After the morning break of cake and coffee we did a mini Mastermind Session.

6 Minutes x 6 People on your greatest challenge in teaching, with the Genki Gram messages. ย Always positive answers, always constructive.

I wrote quite a few comments on these on the Kiev Workshop write upย so do check those out.

Then after lunch on the first day we did lots more activities, ย going through ….

On day 2 we started with …

Then a very nice lunch today ย ๐Ÿ™‚


In the afternoon we came back with lots more Q&Aย  and lots more games and lessons from the curriculum.

Plus we started the 5 W Questions, remember lifestyle first, then let’s fit the teaching around it – with the tips from this morning the income will take care of itself.


Luckily all of you were pretty awesome and it was great to have you all on board with modern ways of teaching and not being tied to tests or textbooks!

And we finished onย Genki Phonicsย + certificates

Now that was a lot!

For those of you who will be teaching Genki English as a full course, ย just start with lesson one of the curriculum and work your way through.

Take it slow. ย Step by step.

Then email me whenever you have any questions.


And Positive, Positive, Positive. ย  Always “And”s. ย And keep trying. ย All students can get all pronunciation. ย And they can get any English you throw at them.

What you believe is ย what the kids see, ย and what the kids see is what they copy and become.

Let’s be super positive, super energetic, help each other as much as we can and you’re going to get some amazing, awesome students – just like you all were today!!

And thank you for an amazing time – Lviv certainly was as amazing as everyone said!

Right, next stop is Cyprus!

Be genki,


P.S. ย If I forgot to mention any activities just let me know and I’ll add them, we certainly were flying through them, ย but all the detailed lessons plans are on the site here i.e. less preparation time for you!


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!