Shapes Games, A4 Cards & MiniCards & Winner is ….

Wow, there’s been a pretty huge response to the new “Shapes Song“. ย  A lot of the games you sent in used cards, so I’ve done up A4 cards and minicards for you, along with all the games you’ve sent in on one page!


If you’ve got any more games for shapes then I’d love to hear them – write them up in the comments!

P.S. The winner of last month’s comment competition, drawn at random, ย was Carol! Which CD would you like Carol? ย And maybe it could be you this month, get commenting on as many posts as you can!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

10 Responses to “Shapes Games, A4 Cards & MiniCards & Winner is ….”

  1. HERU

    It is the first time I find you. you card is useful for me to guide my kids. thanks

  2. Nena

    Fantastic! The flashcards are so cute!
    Does anyone have any one to one (other than domino and memory)?

  3. Carol

    Oh my goodness ! I won????!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    What a GREAT surprise!! Thank you….

  4. Carol

    PS great idea to put all the games for the shapes on the song page. Easy to consult. super cards… I LOVE those eyeballs!!!!!

  5. richard

    Which prize would you like?

  6. julian

    I tried printing out the mini cards (I find these very useful!) but there seems to be a fault. Some creamy yellow colour seems to be where it shouldn’t. Also, there is a very faint ‘we’ on the rectangle card.
    I don’t mean to sound fussy, but thought you’d want to know!

  7. richard

    You’re right! Thanks for letting me know, I’ll get them fixed today!

    Hopefully something big and new coming for shapes next week aswell!

  8. julian

    Thank YOU, Mr Efficiency!

  9. Shelly

    I printed out the shapes mini cards. I used four words at the time, in this case the first 4 shapes. Each child has 4 shape cards.

    To the Hokey Pokey song:
    First I said: ” Show me a triangle” when the children showed me the card we started to sing…

    ” you put the triangle in, you put the triangle out, you put the triangle in and you shake it all around, you do the hokey pokey and you turn your self around. That’s what is all about! ”

    I teach 5-6 year olds and they loved it. they can sing along with ease, and is a chance to get some of their energy out.

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