New Song: Pirates with the Coloured Beards

Here’s a new song for you, “Pirates with the Coloured Beards.” ย A sort of follow on to the Treasure Adventure song but this time to learn colours!

UPDATE: ย This song is now on vol. 12!

Gaz has also done some A4 pictures for you.

Please get commenting and let me know what you think either good or bad.

P.S. If you’re not a VIP member yet, just get your Download Pack today and you’ll be joining us!

P.P.S. I’m on quite a few flights this week so I’ll be a little late with email replies. (I will get round to them though, don’t worry.)

P.P.P.S. ย Workshops coming up this weekend and next!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

15 Responses to “New Song: Pirates with the Coloured Beards”

  1. Kristin Nishimura

    I think this will be liked by the younger boys! A great way to learn the colours, even though it might be a mouthful to say “Red,red,red. Red beards beard is red.”

  2. richard

    Oh yes, I’m thinking that kids just shout out the colour at the end of each sentence.

    Doing the full thing was a mouth full for me especially “Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown Beard’s beard is brown!””” Oooo, could be good for tongue twister lessons though!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Dawn

    Shouting out the colour at the end of the sentence would also keep them focused I think. I love the song and have great fun practicing how I would present it to my class though.

  4. Margit

    I think this is really good. For small and tall.
    It’s a bit more advanced in the structure, and I can see how I can carry this over to higher grades:

    I am the girl with the pink ribbon. instead of
    I am a girl. I have a pink ribbon. (or sth.)
    He is the rockstar with the green guitar.

    and about the mouthful, I almost bet, that the kids will get it faster than me. Would be great if this goes on D12 as well, Richard.

  5. DeenaZ English

    This will definitely be a hit with the boys, who as you suggested will just yell out the colors at the end of the song (truly genius idea as it should keep them on their toes!)and with my young learners native speakers group as a fun, action-packed tongue twister!

  6. Lins

    Hi Richard, this is great! All the kids in my younger classes were absolutely obsessed with the pirate and anytime they saw I was putting on Vol 11 they cried out ‘pirate, pirate!’

    I think they’re going to love this. I can’t wait to see the animation for it!

  7. Liza

    I’d try splitting the class into groups A & B. Group A sings the first verse, Group B sings the last word e.g. Red! Everyone sings the chorus. Then switch around. Group B sings the second verse, group A sings the last word e.g. brown, everyone sings the chorus. With lots of actions and mimic I think it work well. Especially with the boys.

  8. Julia

    Thank you Richard for the very cute pirate song which can be used to accompaniment to a pirate sailors dance performing by kids wearing the masks. I imagine it will be fun!

  9. Lines

    As everything you create, it’s great. Also you have the Christmas colour song, pupils need feed back all the time, so it’s the best way to learn colours and describe faces, We also can play the game WHO IS WHO? and introduse moustache, because they are in different colours too.
    Also in carnival all the pupils can dressed up us pirates with coloured beard and sing the song and guessing game ( Who has got a red beard?// Jorge has got the red beard…)and everyone decribe him/herself ( I have blue beard and blue moustache…)
    It’s brilliant

  10. Gudrun

    Great idea, I am keeping it for Halloween! But please no pink, but rather yellow instead… Girls will probably not go for this one anyway and ALL my boys hate pink!!!
    Thanks for another big hit.

  11. Margit

    Believe me when I tell you that PINK IS THE COLOR with boys in Japan since years?! I mean boys from 11 up!
    My sons have all their underwear socks, and several T shirts in pink, and I must say I find it absolutely cool.

  12. Alex E

    I really love this one. Any chance for the class to dress up as a character and sing and dance is great for me. Really amps up their silly, creative side. I had a blast last week with Kindergarten and the Superhero song. I had them come to school as superheros and sing the song for the rest of the school. They LOVED it. I think this one will be equally excellent, seeing as pirates are totally in right now. A cut-out beard mask would be really awesome for them to color, dress up and act out the song.

  13. Amanda

    I think the boys in my class with like this. It is a different and interesting way to practice colors.

  14. Lines Rodrรญguez Blanco

    Thank you very much Gaz and Richard Your brain never stop working and you help us a lot.
    I’ve got the song and the masks for Halloween or carnaval. you are the best. I only have to invent the dance.
    Lots and lots of thanks

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