How to Unlock the Genki Past Tense Songs/Lessons!

On today’s zoom call Maria asked for a list of the Genki English Past Tense Lessons/Songs.   You’ll find these “hidden” throughout the curriculum. Then when you’re ready you can go back and “unlock” them, often by changing just one word,  which makes them really easy to teach! 🙂

So they are …..

Adventure Lesson 7:  I, you, he, she pronouns song transforms from “I am, you are” etc. into “I was, you were” etc.


Giant Level 46:  Summer sports transforms from “I like scuba diving” into “I went scuba diving” etc. with the question being “What did you do in the Summer?”


Incredible Lesson 50:  “What are you doing?” transforms into “What were you doing?” and “I’m eating, reading etc.” change into “I was eating, reading” etc. 


The “Oh My” Level Checklist song covers “Did I celebrate, get enough sleep, ask for help etc.” 


 And of course for irregular past tense we have Miracle/Mega Lesson 86 with “Baby Dinosaur, what did you do?” 


All the lessons you can find in your Teacher’s Set And/Or Student Set menus!  Enjoy! 


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

6 Responses to “How to Unlock the Genki Past Tense Songs/Lessons!”

  1. Cristina

    Wowww, that’s just great to know Richard, what a good idea! I supposse there is somme kind of upgrade I have to do because appart from the baby dinosaur and summer-winter sports they don’t show on my program. Could you tell me where to find the upgrade link?
    Thanks in advance and have a great Easter

  2. Carla Chazottes

    Hi Richard I purchased the teacher set a while ago. I have all the 15 volumes but can’t see the past versions, could you please tell how to updated. Thanks a lot!

  3. Sophie

    Hi Richard, this is great !
    I’m just reading previous comments and I’m in the same situation. I have all 15 volumes but can’t see the past versions in “pronouns” and “what are you doing”. Is there something I should do ? Thank you Richard

  4. Richard Graham

    Hi Sophie! I just sent you the full set update links! As I do each updated theme I send out an email so keep an eye out for those in the future (or check the spam folder!) and I also upload them in the VIP Facebook group, so keep an eye on that one too! Do let us know what you think of the new past tense songs! 🙂

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