Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Thank you to everyone who has bought the amazing Teacher’s Set this week – you are going to love it! ๐Ÿ™‚ (Ninja Tip: The price is going u...

It would have to be this one! 1. Grammar? ย Easy! ย  Start with “I like …” then flip just one word to teach the past tense. 2. Watch...

In addition to the Harvard & Oxford research into Genki English,ย as part of the official EU recommendation processย in Slovakia, Poland and the C...

Hopefully you’re loving the Genki English blog and emails with all the games, tips, tricks and teaching hints. And especially how much stress an...

Seeing as we’re talking about sneak peeks, VIP membersย have you seen theseย on the VIP Forum Beta Test page? Ninja Tip: ย  ย In exchange for he...

I hope you had an *amazing* Summer. Over here we’ve been working at fever pitch starting Genki English on the iPad & iPhone. It’s been...