Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Is it really too hard? For ourselves? Or for our kids? Maybe this place can help with a little perspective – it is quite amazing!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ญ...

It’s always so much easier to see how to teach a lesson in video, rather than just text or pictures. So I’ve just re-added in nearly 50 tr...

Our challenge right now …. how to make more kids LOVE school and learning! (And how to stop boring teaching!!!!)...

I often visit schools that have huge loooonnngggย  lists of things students can’t do. So what do they do?ย  They just find ways around them.ย  ย...

There’s a huge demand for great teachers around the world and especially in Russia, where many so many schools are still teaching very outdated ...

We’ve been having a great time seeing everyone’s 5 Minute Warm Up/Review Challenges over in the Facebook group. Kamila also shared her rev...