Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

It seems like the whole world is on holiday right now. ย How are your kids going to react when they come back to your class after their break? ย Are t...

One of the best things about our job is all the smiles.ย  ย  Imagine working in a boring office!...

Michael just wrote in to ask if it’s a good idea to have parents join in class or to even maybe have them just join in by listening. Here’...

We have teachers in Poland striking over pay. ย  And teachers in Ukraine, Serbia or Thailand making only a few hundred dollars per month. Why is this?...

Hello Svitlana just wrote in to ask: What do you usually do when something goes wrong at the lesson?ย ย  You celebrate! ย  You’ve pushed the bou...

Hello, If you haven’t quite figured out what all the fuss is about, or what makes Genki English so different from every other way of teaching En...