Super Easy Lesson Plan to Teach English!

Hope you’ve been *loving* everything so far this week!

Today I have something to make your life even easier.

The * New Genki English Lesson Plan! *

The original Genki English lesson plan was what I first developed for my own classes.

And it still works pretty well.

But today and for all the new Genki English projects, e.g. the schools in Africa, we have one that’s even better.

1. It’s even easier to teach.

2. It’s even easier to prepare.

3. So far it gets even better results!

Sounds good, eh?

If you want to give it a try, here it is.

In just 3 steps:

1. Warm Up & Review

Same as before, “Stand up”, “sit down” etc. plus review EVERYTHING done so far.

2. The New Bit:

New Material with Computer Game *first* and then the Song

1. Learn new phrases with the software computer game *first*

Instead of “repeat after me” with flashcards, let the kids play the software computer game for today’s new theme.

(Just one computer at the front, one child controls it, the others guide them like in the photo below.)

This is this biggest change.

Try it first *before* the song (it takes a good 10 to 15 minutes) and you’ll be amazed!

( Have a look atΒ Genki Korean orΒ Spanish if you want to experience the feeling for yourself.)

2. Use theΒ software “Words” with actions/gestures to check meaning of phrases.

We need to make sure the kids understand what they have just learnt.

But don’t *tell* the kids the meanings.

*Ask them* what they think each phrase means and make sure there are no misunderstandings.

(e.g. kids sometimes think β€œI’m hungry” means β€œMy stomach aches” or something – it happens.)


3. Sing today’s song with the gestures, animation and music.

This is what keeps the English in the kids heads till next week.

Make sure to do the software “Mini Lesson” first otherwise it won’t work for older kids.

(Have a look at or if you want to experience the songs for yourself!)

3. Practice new material – Classroom Game

Games simulate a real speaking environment – complete with adrenaline overload!

You can find them for each theme written up in the Β lesson plan book.



And that’s it!

It’s been amazing how well it has worked so far.

The idea is to make it as easy as possible for the teacher.

*And* maximise the learning of the children.

Obviously yes, you do need a computer (just one at the front) Β in class.

But this is 2012. πŸ™‚

Give it a try in your class.

I think you are going to love the extra free time.

And the extra results from the kids.

As you can tell I’m really excited about this, so if you have questions please ask away in the comments below!

Be genki,


P.S. Β If you are doing theΒ Genki English Homework programme as well you can run through part 2 very quickly. ( As the kids have already done it for homework.)Β This saves you even more time in class. Β (And it’s so obvious to spot which kids have or have not been doing the homework!)

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

12 Responses to “Super Easy Lesson Plan to Teach English!”

  1. Bob

    Hey Richard, my kids are really enjoying the G.E. lessons. I would like to ask though, how long ) do you suggest I remain on a topic / theme? (I have one lesson a week with these kids. Thanks

  2. richard

    Hi Bob,

    Great to hear the kids are enjoying it so much!

    Usually, on average, for once a week I do one lesson per theme. Some do spill over into two lessons e.g. “What do you do?” and some get done really quickly e.g. “Eat! Drink! Dance!” but on average it’s one per week. Then every 3, 4 or 5 weeks I’d do a review lesson with all the songs, a big game (e.g. Soliders and Ninjas!) and nothing new.

    Some teachers though, especially if they are also doing the 5 minute phonics, aim to spend two lessons on each theme. The second lesson they spend the 2nd lesson as the first, but with a different game or picture book etc.

    I usually wouldn’t spend more than 2 lessons on one topic. If they still haven’t got it then, it’s usually best to move on and come back to it later!

    Does that help at all?

  3. Louise

    Dear Richard,
    I plan on trying this next week. Sounds good.

    I’ve never done this before, but last week with some of my classes, I reviewed every song we have done over the last year and a bit. The I had about 15 minutes left to teach the new topic of the the week.

    As we were going through each song, I was dreaming of a super medley remix version that could review all the language from each song, by putting all the songs from one CD together to speed things up. Because it is simply reviewing learnt material, you could cut out some of the repeated choruses, etc to save time.

    Anyway, it might be too much work for you, but I am an ideas girl, so I just keep dreaming things up.

  4. Margit


    I must say I’m a bit skeptical about the new sequence of the lesson plan. Playing the game without knowing the meaning???
    Do the kids at least know what is the topic of the lesson, so they could guess the words while playing?

    But I’ve been doubtful of many things you suggested so far, and every time I tried I was surprised about the outcome, so of course I am going to try this.
    I think I will keep it for my smaller private classes though, in 40 students ES I can see certain kids shutting off.

  5. richard

    @Louise: Hmmm, sounds a great idea, let me see if I can do it!

    @Margit: You are totally right to be skeptical – and keep me on my toes! πŸ™‚

    I was thinking of adding in an extra explanation for teachers like yourself, but I wanted it to be not too scary for new teachers, hence took it out.

    The biggest thing for really great teachers (like yourself!) is that it makes things a little too “easy.” In that you end up with so much free time in class, and it feels very strange!

    But do give it a try though in one of your smaller classes, and see how it feels for you.

    The main reason I’ve changed is that most (i.e. non English speaking primary school) teachers have real difficulty in introducing the vocab in a fun way. They usually resort to “repeat after me” lists, or putting the kids to sleep with going through each line with no fun!

    So the computer game cures this. In also drastically reduces the amount of training I need to give them – from nearly a week to just a couple of days!

    And luckily, most teachers don’t have a problem with the songs & class games.

    The results have been really great so far, but of course I’m always testing things to find the best way. And I haven’t really tested it as much with great teachers who can make the intro of the vocab fun!

    But then again, with your kids doing the songs/games for homework it probably isn’t that much different to what you are doing now?

    It’s cool to discuss these things (and be kept on my toes!) πŸ™‚

  6. Grace

    Richard, I have been using Genki English for a week, well to be truthful I was using it before trying to use the demos and the free stuff. : ) I have been teaching ESL since Jan. to adults. When I started teaching children in Aug. I was beginning to panic. The kids were learning so fast. What would take an adult 2 hours they were devouring in 30 minutes! So that is when I found Genki english, in my surfing for interactive materials. Then when I was trying piece things together I realized I needed to make the investment and buy it so that I could benefit from all the hard work you have done. And you know what? The panic is gone! That alone makes the price worth it. I was investing tons of time and still not teaching the kids with confidence but that has changed.

    I did note this new way of teaching, using the game first, just today. I will try it out tomorrow on the kids! (You need to add Brazil to your list!)

  7. Karen

    Hi Richard,

    Just to say I agree on the “revision” lesson every 5th week or so, that’s what I’ve always done and as some of my groups have kids with a few years’ age difference, it helps the little ones to catch up if they didn’t go as quickly as their (usually) older brother or sister.

    I’ll try the game before the song tonight

  8. Karen

    You’ll love this

    I’ve been teaching one of my groups of 6 kids for the last 5 years.
    Last year, one of them dropped out because he didn’t like it and, to be honest I think his dad wasn’t happy with the slow progress he was making.
    Two weeks ago after one of the parents spoke to his mum, he came back to see what the new lessons were like and….BINGO!!!
    His mum is over the moon, he sings the songs to his dad when he gets home and I’ve got another student!!

    Thanks a lot and keep up the good work

    Icertainly go to the lessons with a different attitude and, of course, spend all week humming!!!!!!

  9. Niloc Deeps

    Again you’ve managed to put my deepest thoughts into actions! As kids are so good at computers, I thought I’d try doing the games first. I didn’t have the guts, Thailand being so conservative and all. Now you’ve said it, I’m going to do it. I mean, I already have 30 year-olds convinced that Genki is the best way of learning English. So, why not!

  10. Sadagat ismayilova

    hi Richard i like your teaching methods very much by helping your sending lesson i get a lot for teaching my English lesson very interestingly but it is a pity there isn’t computer in our lyceum for showing your lesson to my students too for seeing your lesson and students a on comuter themselves thank you for sharing your metheods with us

  11. Richard

    Do try and get a computer Sadagat, it’s the biggest thing you can do for the kids. The schools here are in the middle of Africa with no electricity, but we still found a way to bring them a computer! Good luck!

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