Author Archives: Richard Graham

Why banning mobile phones in schools is not just stupid, it’s the most dangerous thing we can do!

One of the reasons I first started teaching, way back in the 1990s, was because the British Government had just updated one of the “Advanced Level” A-Level exams so that, for the first time, you could do a music A-Level with a synthesizer as your main instrument. Now, I LOVE synths; twiddling a Moog filter…

🎿Winter Sports or Summer Sports?⛵️

Now that Valentine’s is over (I hope you had a great time!),  it’s now time for that other February Favourite – Winter Sports!    Or maybe it’s Summer Sports where you are?    Enjoy! Be genki, Richard P.S.  These extra seasonal lessons just let you add a little extra spice to your classes.  As a…

Decorate Your Walls with Inspiration!

Each day, I share a genki motivational or inspirational quote on Instagram & Facebook. Lots of teachers were asking for printable versions to put up on your classroom walls.   So, with the magic of A.I. to scale them up to high-quality, A4 size PDFs, you can now purchase the huge set of 60+ to download,…

💖 Valentine’s For Beginners & Not-So-Beginners

Hello, Happy New Year if you’re celebrating over in China! And in Europe this week we’re getting ready for Valentine’s Day! Spreading love and joy is always a good thing to do,  so for your beginner students we have the amazing Genki Valentine’s Lesson with really simple words such as hug, smile, wave & high five!…

🦋 🐶 The Dinuppy, Cheeturtle, & Elephly, New Tales to Make Your Imagination Fly 🌈✨ !

On a quest, oh so grand, to bring joy to the land, In the world of social media, I take my stand! Away with the gloom, the sad and the strife, I bring you silly stories, to brighten your life! On Youtube & Tik Tok the stories play, & on Facebook & Instagram, to brighten your day. Each day, for…

🏆 The No. 1 “Conversation Starter” this week is ….

“Conversation Starters” are a great ice breaking tool for teens or adult students. Everyday I put one online, and they are great for you to copy and use with your own students in class too! The most popular one this week was: “What’s the most challenging aspect of ……….. for you?”  (Facebook link) (e.g. if…