Author Archives: Richard Graham

New Game: Candy Rain!

Barbara just sent in a fantastic suggestion for using the How are you? Monster or Nemo Game but for weather…. 1. Β Before the class starts hang a large colourful umbrella (or several large umbrellas) from the ceiling around the room. 2. Β The kids Β start walking around in a large circle and ask you “What’s the…

Mr Monkey’s Cooking Corner

I hope you were as impressed as I was with Kamila & Margits amazing cooking lessons the other day. They were amazing weren’t they! And if you’re looking for something even simpler to get started with, Β why not try out Mr Monkey’s Cooking Corner for Cheese on Toast or Choco Bananas! These were two of…

When (and how) to introduce writing in English class?

  Melanie wrote in to ask: Thanks again.I’m thoroughly enjoying this! My question, at this moment, is: when and how to begin introducing the written English, while keeping up with the Genki enthusiasm? – Melanie Good question, Melanie! As you know we do things a little differently at Genki English. Β Getting the kids really good,…

Come on, Come on England! + Brazil Samba!

Judging by the last match I might not get chance to say this again ….. So have a try of the Come on, Come on song if you want a little World Cup action in your class – it is one of the hit Genki English songs!   And if you want a little Brazilian…

Is it a good idea to learn every word in the dictionary?

Whilst I’m uploading the videos of the discipline exhibition kids’ classes I did the other day , Β here’s a quick post to tide you over! πŸ™‚   Farzaneh wrote in to ask: Do you think learning the words in the dictionary a good way of increasing vocabulary? The short answer is: No. The longer answer…

Kyiv Pre-Conference – in Video! – Teaching English to Kids

The full Kyiv workshop was two days on Saturday & Sunday, Β and then on the evening before, just for the very special people who came (or flew!) in early, Β we did a special one hour pre-conference bonus mini workshop. And as luck would have it, Viktor very kindly videoed it and we have it on…