Author Archives: Richard Graham

I forgot my … Stationery Game

Over on the VIP forum Margit just requested an “odd one out” set of minicards for the stationery theme. It’s a great game for the beginning of the school year to get the kids into remembering what to bring for class! 1. Each child picks a card. 2. They figure out what is missing and…

New Passports & Immigration Game!

Β Giving kids stickers that they can put into a class passport – and then claim a prize when it is full – is a fantastic motivation resource. Β  I used to use it on some of my straight-after-lunch, tougher-to-motivate classes! Ninja Tip: Β  Have a bag at the front with cool prizes they can win…

Fukuoka Full, Ukraine PreOrders this Week & Italy filling fast!

UPDATE: Β Thank you to everyone who came to these workshops – you were amazing! Β  To see where I’ll be next, check out theΒ workshop schedule page! Update: Fukuoka workshop is now full! There are some really amazing teachers coming – totally looking forward to seeing you guys – Β and I’ll be doing the workshop bilingually…

Demo Lesson Ideas learnt from my First Helicopter Pilot Lesson

I just had my first helicopter piloting lesson. Β It was amazing. Β Flying down the river seriously felt like Apocalypse Now – I wish I had taken a GoPro camera with me. And as you know I *always* recommend teachers to take new & different classes. Whether you have a good teacher or a bad teacher…

Ninja Tips to Curriculum Writing & Lesson Planning for Elementary, High School, Adults & Babies

From all the emails I’ve had I know quite a few of you are busy at work writing your next year’s curriculum. To give you some inspiration, some ideas and hopefully a lot less stress, Β I’ve just pulled up some of my top curriculum posts for you. These all focus on the first 50 to…

Printable Elementary School Curriculum

Valerie wrote in to ask where the Printable Elementary School curriculum was. Β ( She liked how she could print it out to show parents or co-workers, and could write in the date of each theme.) As we now have so many themes I have’t updated the file in a while, Β but maybe it is still…