Author Archives: Richard Graham

Super Easy Lesson Plan to Teach English!

Hope you’ve been *loving* everything so far this week! Today I have something to make your life even easier. The * New Genki English Lesson Plan! * The original Genki English lesson plan was what I first developed for my own classes. And it still works pretty well. But today and for all the new…

Phonics is rubbish, it only covers the letters a to z!

Do your students have ever have problems with reading / spelling / pronunciation / writing? If so I hope you enjoyed the “How to teach abcs” post last week. Thank you very much for all your nice messages. One criticism that I often hear during my phonics workshops is: Phonics is rubbish, it only covers…

New Game: Mission Impossible: Code Breaker

We seem to be on an alphabet abc kick at the moment, what with Friday’s “How to teach abcs” and today we have Mido’s game of the week! 1. Give each team a set of alphabet/phonics flashcards (e.g. the Phonics posters) 2. Tell the kids the evil Doctor has placed a deadly satellite in Earth…

How to teach abcs

Hello, The other really popular request I get (along with discipline) is how to teach the abcs or alphabet. A lot of teachers stick to the ABC song, which is fine in itself but there are plenty more things we can do. I’ve done a quick “5 minute abcs” video for you and I’ll just…

How can I build my teaching charisma?

Adam wrote a great question on the survey page: How can I build my teaching charisma? And here’s my reply: The trick to this, and we always tell this to our teachers in workshops, is… “Fake it till you make it!” Try and think what you think the ideal Genki English teacher would be like….

New Workbook Pics for Teaching Food

I’ve just updated the Genki English Workbooks with some new food pictures. What do you think? Β Β Do you want me to update the A4 Flashcards/Mini Cards etc. to these graphics too? Do Β let me know in the comments! P.S. You can find the other workbooks here. P.P.S. Β The winner of the April comment competition was…