Author Archives: Richard Graham

Prizes & Addiction: Give them or not?

One of the great “Should I? Shouldn’t I?”s of teaching is whether to give out prizes or not. Personally I tend not to. Although passports can be a great idea for long term classes. But if you do give out prizes, then something you might want to consider is the addiction element of *randomness*. With…

Help Please: What do you think of these new Disco Warm Ups?

I hope you’re having a * FANTASTIC * time with all the new materials! Today I have a special request … Along with some very talented people I’m currently working on new graphic/animation remixes for some of the songs. And it would really help if you could let me know if you think we’re going…

Updated Phonics & No More Foxy Phonics!

Whilst I was over in Tanzania I got to work with Janet Townend who is a leading expert on dyslexia, reading and also, as it happens, phonics. After giving it the thumbs up she very kindly looked over the Genki Phonics programme and made a few suggestions and improvements. Β There’s nothing major, but quite a…

Help Please! Which New Stationery (pens, books etc,) Song?

I’m getting lots of requests for a stationery theme, pens, books, pencils, rulers etc. There is Β an “Uno style” card game with this vocab, but of course we all need a song too! So, which phrase do *you* teach with the vocab? I’m thinking maybe … Do you have a book? Yes, yes I do….

New Game: Footwalker

This is an incredibly simple game, but it works so well! 1. Put the kids into two groups. 2. Each group has a cut out set of feet on the board. 3. Ask the kids a question about/using today’s English. 4. The team that answers correctly first gets to move their feet one foot width…

Where am I today?

Hi Guys, Thought you might like to see this video of where I am today! (Here’s the programme we’re working on over here: 桷倖むンターンシップ) P.S. Today is the last day of the vol. 8 special offer, and also the last day before the fullΒ Download Pack goes up in price again at midnight. If you haven’t…