Neriman just sent in this brilliant comment to the “Brave Princess” story: I completely agree that in schools we the teachers (actually th...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
One big request has been for a version of the software menu in curriculum order, Β not the old CD order, and split up into “levels.” You...
1. Put the kids in two groups. 2. One kid from each group comes to the front. 3. Secretly show them a mini card each. 4. They have to draw this pictur...
Richard wrote in to ask: I would like to know if it is good to repeat games. A very good question! In the lesson plans I introduce a new game for each...
With so many new teachers, parents and grandparents joining Genki English over the last few months I have been truly moved by some of the comments tha...
Lisa just sent in this great game, you can use it for How are you?, Β How did you get here?, I want to be a …Β or any of the lessons actually! ...