With all the tips and hints I give out about starting your own schoolΒ there does tend to be a natural emphasis on the business side of things (along ...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
Another brand new App for your this week, this time for the Genki Phonics Soundboard, simply hit the letters and hear the sounds! It’s really si...
Benito Vacio has just put up a great blog post about his experiences with Genki English, starting with dealing with problems like shyness, a curriculu...
OK, I lied last time, I just had to share these last minute Halloween ideas, although I guess they might need filing away for next year! First Elisabe...
Thanks for all the great feedback on last week’s Vegetable Superheroes, so, as requested, here is the Superhero Update of the vol. 8 “I li...
In what I think will be the last Halloween update for this year, Andrew has just sent in a very cool new game, Mystery Bottle, for combining some of t...