More Halloween Imagination Worksheets + 124 page Halloween eBook!

Fancy some super Halloween pdf books chock a block full of games and worksheets for teachers or kids?

Teachers Halloween Book Kids Halloween Book

Flossy has just put a great video in the forum of how she makes amazing printed & bound books for her students using theย Genki English member’s materials. They really have to be seen to be believed!

So thanks to her inspiration I’ve collated together aย massive teachers’ ebook of all the Genki English Halloween Printables – that’s over 120 pages!

You can use the print options on your computer to select which pages to print and make into your own Halloween books for students. ย ย Or I’ve done an example for you:ย Kids’ Halloween ebook. ย It is bound to impress the parents!

As usual they’re 100% free forย VIP members or order theย Genki Download Pack today and you’ll be able to join us too!

The last few pages are some brand new “Imagination Worksheets” for Halloween…

Niamh sent in a request for some moreย Halloween Imagination worksheets. ย So here you go! We have ones for:

* I’m scared!!
* Look there’s a vampire!!
* Where are my bones?
* Ship ahoy! I see a pirate…
* Draw the scary monster
* How many candies in the candy jar?
* My favourite cookie
* Whose footprints are these?

+ a new “I’m a superhero! I can …” and last year’s “Spiders web” & “Draw a face on the jack o’lantern”

The new sheets are at the end of theย Imagination Sheets ebook or the Halloween ebooks above.

As usual the key is to say as little as possible to the kids. Then they come up with some crazy stuff, just look at these that Flossy’s kids did last year!

P.S. ย And yes, I know vol. 10 still isn’t out yet on CD. ย Keep with me, hopefully it will be out in time for the big day!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

7 Responses to “More Halloween Imagination Worksheets + 124 page Halloween eBook!”

  1. Margit


    these are great again!

    , I only have one more lesson before Halloween, so for this year it’s a bit late.

    BUT I’ll make some Christmas books like this.

    I haven’t checked yet how many crosswords and things there are already, but if you plan to make any new worksheets for this years Christmas/New Years, would it be possible to get those soon?
    If not that’s fine, as there is lots of stuff already.

    I start teaching Christmas very soon after Halloween, so I’ll start printing end of this month.

  2. Liza

    Incredible! Thanks for sharing all this wonderful stuff!

  3. Flossy

    These Halloween ebooks are so practical. It is perfect to have all of the resources in such a format. I like this style for a theme and think it could work well for others too. It will help when creating personalised plans for the themes, as it is all in one place!!

    Thanks you Richard for the compliments about the workbooks. I must add here, as I did on the forum, that it is only the printing and binding that I have done. All of the ideas on the GE site make my job so much easier. I would never be able to produce such a book. Thank You for all your creations.

  4. Julian-k

    Wow, those are really great flossy!! (I only just saw your video over on the forum – sorry!)

    The Halloween books look really great too. Maybe it is a little late now for making books, but definitely for x-mas!!!

  5. Carol

    Fantastic stuff Richard and Flossy! Thank you, thank you.

    (Huge applause!!!!!)

  6. Jerry & Miyuki

    Even though we are new to GE, we think this all great stuff and really can’t wait to get involved with it all.
    My random comment is..
    “I’d like to win that free CD please Richard!..”
    Volume 10 will do just fine! (thumbs up gesture)
    Thanks in advance,

  7. richard

    Here are the Christmas ones, there’ll be more added as we get nearer!

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