Masterclass in Yaroslavl & 48 hours to get here!

I wanted to start off today with a quote Katya put on Facebook:

Dear Richard, the seminar is great! Thank you. It is worth travelling for 48 hours from Volgograd.

To the teachers in Izevsk – please, do not miss your chance!!!

48 hours!! Β And the thing is Katya didn’t travel the furthest, we had teachers from Yaroslavl, Norilsk, Moscow, Kiev, Volgograd, Samara, Korolyov, Borisogleb, Uglich, Rostov, Novorossiysk & Rybinsk. Β  For some of them that’s further than Spain or England.Β I tried plotting them on Google Earth and they wouldn’t fit!


Here’s a regular map version:



So thank you again to all of you for coming and here’s some of what we did ….

We started out on Friday with the pre-conference and Marketing Tips to Start your own school.

Day One:




Day Two:





Again a huge thank you to everyone who came, a thousand more to Olga for standing in line for 14 hours to get my visa, Dmitiri for sponsoring the events, Vassili for all the transport.

And of course a million more more thanks to Julia for being the driving force behind all of this, it took 3 years , but this was all thanks to you!

OK, tomorrow I have a day off – in Russia of course – then this weekend on the 14th & 15th I have another Masterclass in Izhevsk. Β If you’d like to join, do get in touch!

And if any of you who attended would like to leave a message for the teachers who are thinking about joining a workshop in the future, please do write it up in the comments! πŸ™‚

Be genki,



Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

3 Responses to “Masterclass in Yaroslavl & 48 hours to get here!”

  1. Julia

    Hi Richard!

    Thank you for all your warm words. And I’m GREATFUL for the three years, because it was a very GENKI period of time – a period when I was thinking and analysing, trying and losing, trying again and winning, searching and finding, feeling lonely at the very beginning and being supported so much now.

    What has happened to me looks like magic: great people (Vassili, Dmitri, Olga) appeared to help me realise my dream – to get Russian teachers acquainted with the GENKI way of teaching English.

    What will it lead to is difficult to say now, but for sure something will change, because teachers, who attended the workshop, got very exited about GenkiEnglish.

    GenkiEnglish is something worth spending time and money on it!

  2. Martin Wenzel

    So fun to see teachers who are really excited about using this great teaching tool.

  3. Mark Armstrong

    Richard, wow! 48 hours! I guess there is no excuse for not travelling to your next session in Japan.

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