Author Archives: Richard Graham

Quick Discipline Technique: Angel Wings!

Whilst my main discipline ideas have been helping teachers up and down the globe, Β it’s always good to add in a few new flavours to the mix every now and then. This trick I actually learnt from a doctor, and it actually works in any walk of life. Β It does sound a little out there,…

Help Please: What’s the weather like? Mini Videos!

Who says video projects have to be long? Β  Margit & Kamila have now got things down to a fine art and are their kids are now doing this spontaneous mini videos – pretty cool eh! (If you’re on email and can’t see the video, click here to see it!) Margit has also written up…

Help Please: Do any of you actually use Twitter for teaching or ideas?

The BBC just did an interesting piece on using social media in English teaching. Β Β  In general I pretty much agree with what they wrote. Β But one quote stood out as being quite interesting, from an English teacher who says: “If you’re an English teacher and you’re not using Twitter then you’re missing out,” Now…

New Game: 12 and Bust!

1. Put the kids in two teams 2. Ask the kids a review question or show them a flashcard and get them to make today’s sentence with it. 3. The quickest person to answer comes to the front. 4. They roll a die. 5. You write this number on the board. 6. If they want…

Genki English “Lapbooks” – Great Idea for Homework!

Betty in Germany has just sent in this fantastic video showing the “lapbooks” she has been doing with her kids. Β I’d never heard of lapbooks before, but it looks pretty amazing with all the different types of materials: This is just my sample folder so the kids get an idea of what we are doing…….

Teacher Lucky’s Genki Restaurant!

Fancy a little restaurant role playing in class? Β  Check this out from Teacher Lucky in Hong Kong: Genki Restaurant!   P.S. Β The menus and flashcards are on this page! P.P.S. Β Today is the last day before the Teacher’s Set price increase – get your order in before midnight, we’re currently taking orders from everywhere…