Just in case your school hasn’t banned all the spinners yet, Β here’s a cool little game you can play with the Left & Right lesson. 1....
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
π¦ UPDATE: Β With covid going on it’s not possible to use USB Memory Sticks right now, Β so we are extending this program to include downloads...
You know your prices are too cheap but do you know why? We’re up to day 7 of the challenge, so I popped outside to show you! You can check out t...
Many of you have been having problems with printing some of the flashcards/worksheets. Β (Many of the computer browsers have updated themselves to bl...
It’s coming up to Summer so over on Facebook I’ve just started a brand new 21 Day Challenge on getting your freedom back in teaching. Chec...
You were amazing!! Β I’ll have a full write up on the blog of everything we did soon ( I’m teaching kids today in Yaroslavl!) and for the ...