Genki English in Xi’an China & the Terracotta Warriors!

I just got back from a fantastic weekend teaching a group of amazing teachers in Xi’an China – home of the 兵马俑 – The Terracotta Army!


After the recent 200 people workshops it was great to have a group where I could answer more questions and everyone could get a chance to teach!


Doing the crazy “Do you have any pets?”  game!

Plus of course, in the name of teaching discipline techniques, we all started out as angel students and gradually became more and more the “bad kids at the back!”   Amazingly though, no one cried!  Plus whenever I asked “Easy or Challenge?” everyone wanted the challenge!


The minicard leapfrog game with “What do you do?

We blasted through loads of the curriculum, both the 5 Minute and, by request, the  30 minute phonics, and a ton of great questions, feedback and teaching techniques.

The school here will be introducing a new Genki English course alongside their current Cambridge Young Learners course and they also take Genki English out into rural country schools, which is fantastic.


Can you do the Make a Face game?

Plus of course we were in Xi’an so I had to take a day off to visit the amazing Terracotta army – truly one of the wonders of the world!



IMG_4521 IMG_4503 xian3


So thank you to everyone for such an awesome weekend, to all the teachers, to Adam & Mim for organising it and for Songtao & JK for coming down from Beijing – you are all Super Heroes!!!!

Xian superheros

So, who’s next to invite me – details are on the schedule page! 🙂

P.S.  The winner of the comment competition last month was ….. Elvira!  If you’d like a chance to win a Genki English CD or CD Download of your choice, get commenting on the blog now, the more you comment, the more chance you have to win! 🙂


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

3 Responses to “Genki English in Xi’an China & the Terracotta Warriors!”

  1. Mark Armstrong

    Richard, it looks like you had a blast. I always love the training videos….so…uh…Any plans to visit Korea again?

  2. Richard

    As usual, when I get asked! 🙂

  3. Songtao

    LOL~ Didn’t the pictures of foot massage we went together, looking forward to your next visit in Beijing,China~ Cheers~

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