UPDATE: Thank you everyone , Vol.13 Beta Test applications are now closed and vol 13 is now on sale! 🙂
Thank you to everyone who took part, please do keep your comments and feedback coming below!

The vol. 13 software is now ready for VIP beta testing!
What you get:
1. You get to have the vol. 13 software before anyone else.
2. You get to use it in your classes before anyone else
3. You don’t have to pay for it.
4. Unlike Microsoft who make you buy the product once the beta test is finished, if you make a comment on the blog you’ll be free to keep it as long as you like!
What I ask in return:
1. You play through all the songs, mini lessons & karaokes for every theme
2. You play around with the “words”, game and “words 2″ sections of each theme.
3. Tell me on the blog if there are any mistakes/things that don’t work.
That’s it, really simple! It will probably take an hour or so to do.
At this stage it’s things like spelling mistakes, typing mistakes, buttons that make the wrong sound, crashes or buttons that don’t work type mistakes that I’m looking for i.e. real mistakes.
It’s unfortunately a little too late for things like changing lyrics, pictures etc.! Sorry! Once you’ve gone through everything, setting kids loose on the software is always the best test!
Stress Free
UPDATE: The Vol.13 Beta Test is now closed, you can now (or very shortly!) purchase the vol. 13 pack here!
Then please make all your comments/mistake finds on the blog here so I can keep them all together.
Even if your comment just says “everything is OK!” although if you do have any words of praise that would also be great to hear – it has been a lot of hard work to make this for you!
Thank you so much – having you all help testing this saves me so much stress!
And of course a huge thanks to Alyssa, Mark, Jennifer, Liz, Kim, James, Gaz, Andrew, Suzie & Rick for all your hard work on the software!
Be genki,
P.S. Get your download early, there will be so many people downloading (thank you!) that I might have to close it down early if it crashes the server.
P.S. If you’re not a VIP member yet, if you buy your Download Pack right now you might still get your vol. 13 if you rush, rush, rush!
P.P.S. Just out of interest, after going through everything on vol. 13 and seeing how much there is there, how much do you think I should charge for it? Forgetting about all the other Genki English prices, just based on your running through the beta test, how much would you think it is worth to you?
Hey! This sounds great. Hope I am not too late.
You’re first actually, I just put it up! Check your emails! 🙂
Wonderful surprise to find your email about the new CD.
I have been using your CDs for 4 years now and my kids love them. I know it’s a lot of very hard work but they have really changed my life and made my teaching much more fun ! Thanks for your precious help !
Hi Richard!
I’m really excited about this- This is the first time I get to download a new vol. for free!!! 🙂
I would love to try this!!
Thanks for helping Evelyn, Liora & Evaggelia, I just sent off your links – looking forward to your comments! 🙂
I’d be happy to do some testing for you.
Thank you!
Dear Richard,
Genki made my teaching so easy, kids love it and I just adore it. I must admit that I every day visit genki website to see what’s new…you gave so many things which help us to be creative and real teachers..Thank you so much!!!
Hey Richard! I tried the new software and I have to say everything is perfect. I haven’t found a single flaw with the software. I like that the themes have different kinds of games and I especially liked the rap versions of the ‘i’ song and the alternative versions of the songs- brilliant idea btw because they get to practice the song with different words, thus enhancing their vocabulary. I think this new volume is a great addition to your volumes collection and I strongly believe it will be a hit with my students! Love the graphics, the songs, the ideas….pretty much everything! Thank you for introducing “fun” to our job!!
Thank you Evaggelia !
Thank you Jasmina!
Hello Richard !
It would be fun to try Genki English vol.13 as one of the first 🙂
It’s 10PM here so I’m crashing out! Keep the requests coming and I’ll send the rest of the links in the morning if that’s OK.
Really looking forward to everyone’s comments! 🙂
>sleepy< >sleepy<
Hey Richard.
I tried out this new and amazing software- and I didn’t find any mistakes. Everything is great!!!
I really like the ” I can do it” song. I like the idea behind it. The kids always look surprised at me when I first introduce these “GE rules”. It really takes the pressure away and makes more room for “GE fun”!!!
I’ve been using GE for 3 months and it has totally changed my lessons! I can’t thank you enough!!!
Hi Richard, please send me the link. I’m looking forward to seeing this one. I know that you have been working on the songs on this one for quite some time.
Hi Richard
I’ve just tried vol.13 and all I can say is that you did it perfect as always 🙂 I like the graphics, the songs and funny games. I love dividing the sport topic into summer and winter . I think my students will love it ! I can agree that this volume is a great addition to your volume collection !
Thank you for GenkiEnglish !!!
Recently purchased the teachers download pack and would absolutely love to have a look at the new material, if I’m not to late ;)? The materials so far are top notch and students are having so much fun with them!
I’d like to test a new volume of your stunning lessons,Richard.
Can’t wait to check it out!
I will be delighted to offer my students new fun activities.
I’ll be glad to listen to the new CD) I love all previous ones very much!
Thank you Liora!
Thank you Gosia and thank you Gumby!
Thank you for offering to help everyone, it’s so good to hear from you all, sometimes I forget how many VIP members we have!
Hello, Richard, I’ve tested Vol. 13 and didn’t see any mistakes. I enjoyed every song.The games are stimulating and the graphics is great. Everything is perfect as always. And this Baby Dinosaur…he’s just jaw-dropping:)
Hi Richard!
No words to express how amazed I am with genki method. Kids love it and so do I. I’d like to try the new volume.
Thanks a lot – You’re the master of masters.
I’d love to test the new software Richard!!
2013 and the 13th volume. Double negative brings a positive!!! and as always it will be a positive influence on the kids in their classes. Thank you. I look forward to testing it. Andrew
I hope I’ll have a chance to do somethnig for you this time, Richard. Looking forward to testing the software!
Hey Richard,
My primary school kids always enjoy the Genki English section of their lessons. I’d be happy to check out the new version and give you some feedback.
Great going Richard! Couldn’t get along without Genki English!
I can’t wait to try the new CD. Thanks, Ruth
hi Richard, so looking forward to your next volume.
terrific work
well done
and thanks
Really looking forward to checking Volume 13 out!
Richard, I was updated to Vol. 13 at your Tokyo Workshop. If the version being offered today is any different, please send a download link. I am currently on vacation–and was getting ready to leave when I received Vol. 13. But what I looked at is fantastic–as always!
Sounds great! 🙂 Thank you Richard. I would love to test out the new software.
I have waited a long time for this. I will be glad to be a part of the Beta testing.
hey richard would be more than happy to help out with the beta testing. genki english has been a life changer for my classes and i look forward to the new edition. hope im not too late. thanks.
Thanks for being so innovative. Looking forward to giving it a go
Richard I am looking forward to see this new volume 13, you have been a huge blessing to me and to the children that I working with. God bless you man.
Hi Richard,
Let me run through it for you!
Hi Richard, Great stuff! I am thrilled that there is video to the I can do it song. If there is one message that I would like the kids hearing over and over after class, this is it! I also like how you now have to click on the words. It solves the problem of scrolling over and hearing multiple words. I also thought using BM backside to teach the directions was very clever.
I did a quick check and the only thing I could find was the class game to the stationary song. Once you click on all 8 items, you are left with a blank board. Since it is unlikely the game will be decided by then, is there a way to reset the board?
Thanks again! You are awesome!
Didn’t find any mistakes. May I borrow? is becoming one of my favorite songs. So useful and so catchy. I like the past tense song a lot as well. That’s something we all need to teach. Got a perfect tense song coming up? I love the I Can Do It song as well. For my younger learners I would have liked it to be more obvious who was winning and losing. I have them act stuff like that out and really encourage them to go over the top. It’s a lot of fun. Thanks a lot!
I’d like to test the software too.
Thank you for the opportunity to test Vol. 13.
I have been so thankful to you and your software here in China. The kids love it. I use it in all my classes, (even some adult classes).
Once again, thank you very much!!
Hi Richard! That’s amazing! I’d like to try the new volume, I’m pretty sure it will be cool!
I’d like to test out Vol 13 please!
Just got back from holiday to find this great opportunity, which takes the edge off those pos-holiday blues! I’d love to try out the new volume, please Richard.
Hi Richard,
I’m really looking forward to testing your new volume and hope that my comments might still be helpful for you.
I’d love to run though it!
I’d be keen to give it a try.
I would love to try and test the new vol.13 if possible(never been able to do it before!) hopefully will be able to this time.Thanks in advance.
Hey Richard, Good to hear you have a near completed version. Looking forward to # 13! MM
Hi Richard!
I went to the worshop in Tokyo last month. I had the opportunity to see part of your new material. Your pesentation of some of your new lessons was awesome. I’m looking forward to use the new software. The best part is that you’re introducing past tense in easy way for children to learn. A thousand thanks, Richard for your splendid work.
Thanks everyone, hopefully your links have arrived!
@Gumby: Good point for the stationery game, it’s something to add for the future. What I’ve been doing is giving 2 or 3 clicks as points nearer the end (it helps balance things up too!) Plus you can then try the 2 set version! 🙂
Also great to see so many old faces on here, you should all keep in touch more on the forum it could be a fantastic resource with all your beauty & brains in there! 🙂
@Adam: For the “Yes, I can” song, have you done the “Rock, Paper, Scissors” song before? If not, give it a try, the Chinese kids go CRAZY for it!!
Richard I have looked at CD 13 items in detail. I can’t wait to use the “played” summer sports song with my classes on school starting after summer (We did the summer sports song before the vacation). I also appreciate the personal pronoun songs in whose is it and may I borrow your .. Essential vocabulary, but of cause presented in your unique and Genki fashion, making it all the more a FUNdamental of the English Classroom. Thank you heaps. Andrew in Fukuoka Japan
Hey Richard,
Thank you so much for your wonderful offer. I look forward to seeing and using the new software with my students in Japan.
Wooooow genki english has the best músic in ESL world
I want to check out vol.13 and use it for my private clases.
Please, please, please send me Vol. 13 software. My students love you Richard.
If Genki = fun
– Genki + class = fun class
– Genki + student = fun student
– Genki + beta = Fun in Training
Hi Richard, I would be pleased to check out Volume 13.
Hi Richard
Thanks for the opportunity of testing your software
Hugs from Ecuador
Shoot me a copy. I’m really looking forward to using these new themes.
Looking forward to this!
Wow, I hope I am not too late. Just did an amazing summer camp using Genki! Used the pics in ppt games to go with the songs.
Would love to try cd 13!!
I hope to receive this new software. My kids want more new songs.
Big hugs!!
I’m excited to try it out Richard 🙂
Everything up to now has been wonderful! (phonics has been a little hard to adapt to my classes, but heck, I didn’t get it when I was learning to read either 🙂 ) Please let me try your new volume!
I bought the software 4.5 years ago and have had so many freebies since then. Of course, I’d love a copy of the new cd.
Hey Richard, I went through the entire CD, pushed every button, played every game…twice! No problems anywhere!
Thanks for adding the American English version of the Baby Dinosaur book. The classroom games are great.
My favorite song in this CD is the ‘Is it in… Hip Hop Version’. I’ve got a couple of cheeky little guys who are going to have a blast with that one!
Thank you Bob! (I’ll get back to my regular emails soon! 🙂 )
Hi Richard!
Just LOVE the what did you do-song. Hope I’m not too late for the cd…
Keep up the good work!
It’s working well. Some lovely moments in the songs. I’d be interested to know what people think they’d pay for it.
Hi, I am looking forward to Yaroslavl seminar in Russia. I use all the songs with all different ages and it always works wonderfuly.Looking forward to more songs)) and games)) and ideas!
Hi Richard,
I am really looking forward to the new topics in VOL.13 especially the one that teaches classroom language.
I hope VOL. 14 will come out soon… Yeah, we teachers are greedy, aren’t we?
Thank you, Richard! That’d be soooo cool to have it!! My granddaughter and I love all of songs!
Nooooooo I don’t even want to think about vol. 14!!! 🙂
Well, actually after seeing everyone’s kind responses here today I might actually think about it. You should all keep in touch more often! 🙂
Then again I should be learning Russian for next month! 🙂
Amazing work. So far everything looks good. At first I was a little disappointed you didn’t include the Summer Sports, but then I realized that the “I like Sports” button is TWO LINKS!!! CLEVER!!! Same with the “Stationary – May I borrow…” I’m assuming that on the What did you do in the summer I played mix, that you deliberately threw in crazy objects for the badminton scene. It has the shuttlecock, but sometimes a carrot, watermelon, lemon, etc. flies in. This must be on purpose to just get the kids going crazy. Nice!
Also, great job including American alternate versions as we don’t say SLEDGING, but rather SLEDDING, and HORSEBACK RIDING as opposed to HORSE RIDING…more options are always a treat. I like how for the some label you wrote “What’s Different?” Almost like we can teach the original British English and then after the kids are solid, throw the American on to see if they catch the difference. Nifty!
Will you provide us with an updated MAIN MENU for the entire software pack? Super excited to have a ton more material to choose from to keep the kids entertained with fresh songs and more and more vocab!
Thanks Martin, thought you’d like the split menus! 🙂
Working on the updated main menu now, will have it available fingers crossed next week.
Watermelons? Carrots? Lemons? Now would I put in anything that silly! 🙂
Hi Richard!
Nice to see how many supporter you’ve got!
Hope I’m not late for taking part in tasting your newly-baked volume 🙂
And thank you for this opportunity.
Aren’t you supposed to be skyping me Julia?? 🙂
Ha, I often have to turn off the TV screen during class when I just have the words sitting on the screen because of all the wacky stuff going on distracting the kids from me, haha, but I think that is what keeps the kids interested and always wanting to go back for more looks. The ability to have random content pop up every time makes it much more fun and interactive and interesting for the kids than the DDDragon DVDs they have to watch as homework repeatedly. Every time I watch the DVDs I am so upset that the designer didn’t at least randomize the which word he would make a mistake on (each drill of new words consists of “I say, you listen”, “I say, you say” and then “I say, you say, if I make a mistake clap your hands.” Problem is every single time they make the mistake at the end saying “DD” over a picture of the first word of the set, so after a month of lessons, the kids usually know the pattern and just keep repeating the first word of the set, so they can answer when he makes the mistake.) Enough complaining about other material.
Yeah, I like the split menu buttons. And I just love the addition of summer and winter sports, more than just the typical TEAM sports which many Chinese kids rarely play or care about at this point. I’m realizing now how I can take other lessons, especially a lesson like “What do you think of…” “It’s excellent, cool,etc.” and apply it to these sports words. Doy, right? I need to start taking down notes about grammar and vocabulary you can use for a Vol. 14 (no pressure or rush)!
I also need to implement the stories that you include on some of the lessons. I think the “What did you do?” lesson is AMAZING…obviously it doesn’t cover ALL the past tense vocabulary the DD stuff throws at these kids, but it really hits the really common ones “ate, said, drank, put, took, rode, slept” THANK YOU!
The cool thing about the past tense with the sports is that by adding in say “When, when, when” you can have them make sentences like “I like running, yesterday I went running” Or if you add in “What do you think of ..” you could get them to say things like “He likes soccer so I think yesterday we played soccer” etc. All in just 3 or 4 hours of lessons (or less!)
One hour to go everyone, as soon as I get off skype I’ll be closing down the applications.
Although those of you lucky enough to get in please do continue to put up comments on the blog here, especially if you spot any mistakes (we found one comma missing so far!) and also if you have any more nice words to say about the pack it really doesn’t cheer me up no end! 🙂
Hi Richard
I’ve been waiting for this one for a while!! We got some new material (video projector and giant white screen) so colleagues and I are all pumped for September! Bring on the Genki!!!
Send it on Richard I’d love to try it out.
Good morning from France! Just woke up, checked my mail and this is the first thing I’ll do this morning: check that new volume! Thanks in advance!
Hi. Richard! May be I’m still not too late and still have chance to test new vol.13? Thank you for your greate creative work!
Hi Richard,
just finished going through it all and found no mistakes.Excellent work as usual.I’m looking forward to trying it out with the kids.
I’d love to have it!
Hi, Richard!
I hope I’m not late to test your new Vol.13. It’s the first time I will do things like this. May be it will help you somehow. By the way thank you for the great work you do to help us all to make our English lessons genki. I don’t know if any other teachers use your stuff here in Ukraine but I’m trying to tell about it to all my collegues. So,a huge thank you from Ukraine!
Hello Richard,
I´m really impatient to see CD 13! We´ve had summer vacation and I havent checked it out yet.
Your work is alway incrediable- I know this will be too!
So….send it away! 🙂
Hi Richard.
I hope I’m not too late to test your new CD13! I’m looking forward on trying new songs with my kids.
I am too late… 🙁 What a pity! Vacation time…
But when you have the iPad Version ready, I’ll be happy to check it out!!! 🙂
BTW, anything new on the iOS Version of your Programme yet? I’m sure there are many iPad fans/users waiting!!!
Have a nice time for the rest of the summer everyone!
Thanks everyone! Sorry to those who didn’t make it!
UPDATE: But the good news is the full versions is all ready for you! http://genkienglish.net/cd13.htm
Picture cards, mini cards, game suggestions etc. etc. are all here! And seeing as we’ve -fingers crossed – found no problems I actually put it up for sale right now!
Do keep the comments coming!
Hi Richard, I’ve just finished looking through the software and have a couple of things that might not have already been spotted or mentioned.
1. In summer sports, (words) there are two buttons an ‘e’ and an ‘r’ that link to an audio file but there’s no graphic graphic e- is what did you do and r is I went.
2. Winter sports (Words) 1 there is no button or graphic for the phrase ‘what do you do’.
3. I can – in the mini lesson ‘try, try, try, again’ Is that 3rd comma necessary, it’s excluded in the song?
That’s all I could find!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Gary!
1. Kept those as “secret” extras just for the teachers who want to do the past tense.
2. Ah, I never even thought of that! Ok, that’s on the “to do” list for version 2!
3. THANK YOU!!! I knew there must be more errant commas around and these are just the sort of things I can’t see anymore – I’ll get it fixed first thing tomorrow!
Hi Richard!
It must be admitted that I’d never noticed the things that Gary mentioned 🙂 Good job, Gary!
Actually I often think it was designed like this 🙂
But as an audial learner I’d like to express my doubt now about a couple of things I’ve heard while testing Vol. 13.
1) In the “North – South” song I could hardly hear “East”. Or was is done to show the distance?
2) In “What did you do?” picture story
-I can’t hear any differences between the British and American pronunciation of the word “bath”. To me it sounds American in both variants. http://www.wordreference.com/enru/bath
-And in the word “drank” in American version I hear “i” instead of “æ”.
-And on the page with the “Thank you” there is American writing of the word “Mommy” (I’ve noticed it by pure accident :-))
-And the word “pyjamas” in British version is prononced more like American, and in American more like British to my mind (ears 🙂
I liked the female voice singing in “Stationery” and in “What did you do” songs. 🙂
and the idea of the Stationary class game very much.
Thank you Richard! I admire your way of dealing with things you want to improve.
Keep moving!
I look forward to seeing Vol. 13 for myself and then using it with my students! Thank you 🙂
Will you have a special main menu upgrade for those of us that did the Beta?
Everything up to now has been wonderful! (phonics has been a little hard to adapt to my classes, but heck, I didn’t get it when I was learning to read either 🙂 ) Please let me try your new volume!
Hey Gumby!
Sorry it took so long to get back to your post (long day at work).
I understand your concerns about the classroom stationary game. Initially, I thought we needed a reset button too, but if you play with it a bit you will find that the first click on a item shadows it, the second clicks makes it disappear and a third click brings it back. This allows for a ton of options! You can shadow the missing item for 4-5 year olds. You can erase/bring back items for 6-8 year olds and play ‘Spot the Change’ with 9+ year olds. A reset button might be an easy option, but it could also lead new teachers down a lazy path.
If we take the time to give it an extra click or two and we come up with a few more options.
Richard, for my money (and I am more than willing to pay for this) leave this one as is and give new teachers a little more guidance.
Thanks again for all your hard work!
(P.S. I know you’re super busy, take your time getting back to me on the other stuff…I’m in no hurry.)
Hi Julia, thanks for the feedback!
1) The East sound comes out of the right speaker, the West sound comes out of the left speaker (it makes it easier to remember which is which!) So it sounds like your right speaker might be connecting wrongly! 🙂
2) Yeah, the dictionaries don’t really get it right as the pronunciation differences aren’t between the countries as such, it’s that every CITY pronounces them differently. For example Manchester and London pronounce them totally differently, New York City and Alabama pronounce them totally differently too, and other cities all overlap inbetween! So don’t worry too much about it.
The reason there are two versions of that lesson in vol. 13 is that the verbs actually change e.g. TAKE a bath in the US or HAVE a bath outside. Same with Mommy(US)/Mummy(UK) and Pyjamas(UK)/Pajamas(US) hence I did the two versions! 🙂
@Martin: Here you go!
Again do let me know if there are any problems!
1. Backup your download pack (because something always goes wrong somewhere!)
2. Copy your vol. 13 “SWF” files into the download pack folder.
3. Download and unzip http://genkienglish.net/clipart/DownloadPackMenuUpgradetoVol.13.zip
4. Copy the unzipped files into your download pack folder overwriting where necessary.
Hope you like the new design! 🙂
For those of you with personalised menus and students using the Homework programme send me an email and I’ll get those rolled out over the next few weeks.
Thanks so much, Richard! Volume 13 is wonderful. I played everything through last night, and couldn’t find any problems.
Hey Richard,
I just tried the new menu upgrade. Two things:
1) When you open CD13 the CD menu has a menu button to get you back to the main menu but when you open a lesson on CD13 the menu button only brings you back to the CD13 menu AND that menu doesn’t have a menu button to get you back too the main menu…This forces you to quit the whole program.
2) Hopefully this is only an issue for me (I’ve had issues with my phonics download pack before) but the phonics menu just leads me to a blank page.
Hopefully, these are small fixes…
I know you don’t need any more stress!
Hi Bob,
THANK YOU! I missed a file out!
Try downloading again, there should be an extra “MENU13” file that you need too!
(The phonics I’ll email you about, it’s a previous upgrade issue!)
It works great on the Kindle Fire too Richard.
Thanks Ken! I actually made this easier to work on tablets e.g. the “Words” sounds only work with clicks on the PC (instead of rolling over like before) so it should remove the echo problem with the tablets and make it easier to use!
Yes,I noticed that.Great work!
I just saw this blog today, it’s my first day back after obon. I would love to try out the new software. I have some kindergarten and elementary school lessons coming up, and I would love to try out some new songs with them.
And my RSS feed didn’t show update and show that it’s now on sale. I’ll head over to the Genki store and pick up my copy!
Thanks Ron, very much appreciate the support! 🙂 Enjoy!
Hello dear Richard! Thank you for letting me try CD 13. I loved it very much! I didn’t find any mistakes or problems with software. One thing that i really liked especially in the this cd is class games! I wish you could add this kind of games to the previous cds) Thank you for your work! may God bless you with the inspiration for creating more cds!!!
Hi, Richard!
I’m a little bit late with my comments on the new Vol.13. Neverthelss I would like to present my personal opinion.
First, a huge THANK YOU for the job you’ve done. Everything is great! And at last I’ve got some topics I was really waiting for (I like sports, What did you do and Whose is it). Great job!
My ideas are:
1. For “Summer sports” I would add “WORDS 3” section for the kids to review other sports like baseball etc.
2. As for the Class game, I found this idea brilliant! I like to play class games with all the kids in the class and one more time thank you for this opportunity! But one thing: in the “How to play” section there no instruction for the kids how to make + and – sentences with “Does and Doesen’t” for He and She. You see, this is the most difficult moment for kids to remember this stuff. So, if you have examples for all pronouns, it would be better to make 2 more:)
3. I would also make such Class game for the “What did you do?” unit. Class games (when kids work in teams) are super!
4. And I especially like phonics sections. I would Like to propose to make extra CDs with phonics songs and games.
So, hope you will consider my ideas if they are OK.
@Ira: Thank you! Yep, I added a few last year, I’ll see what others I can add!
@Okasana: Thank you for the feedback and the great ideas!
1) Here you go! http://genkienglish.net/sports.htm They already have their own theme, on vol. 3
2) There is a prerequisite with this game that they must have done one of the “Do you like …?” lessons (e.g. here or here) and the pronouns lesson. I’ll add that into the explanation page!
3) There are class games for every lesson, I’ll be uploading more for What did you do? soon, but for the time being there are a few ideas here!
4) Even better than that there is a whole phonics course ready for you! 🙂
Hope that helps!
Cant say how much I appreciate the work you have done on CD col 13…I must say its just an awesome addition to the other volumes. I couldn’t help but notice the change in graphics, better graphics makes for a more interesting class.
We GE fans can’t possibly imagine how much work you put into making one CD , but be rest assured that you have our firm support, you have revolutionized English teaching and learning.
Thank you Jay!