Thank you for all your amazing support in the Red Cross Promotion last week.

Blimey, you guys don’t half like waiting till the last minute!  Thanks to everyone’s last minute purchases just before midnight we got a very chunky5 figure sum to donate.

And when we transferred it into Japanese Yen it actually came out to be 7 figures!  Cool.

So you are all millionaire yen donors to the Japanese Red Cross!

We sent all the money across this morning so hopefully it should be doing lots of good in northern Japan right now.

I am very grateful to all of you for helping and I’m very proud that we put this amazing community we have all built to such good use.

Also big shout outs to other sites who linked to the promotion,  especially Chris Gunn of BogglesWorld for putting such a huge ad on his front page,   Russell Willis from (one of my daily reads),  Matt Dream for putting up a link on his Facebook page and donating his money from last week, and Mark Cox from Mes-English for links on his Facebook page and to Devon and the Super Simple guys even though their office took a bit of a hit with the Earthquake.

Also thank you for all your testimonials, it’s so good to see how many different ways GE is helping you.

For those of you helping in the evacuation centres we also now have messages from kids sent in from ロシア(Russia), + スペイン(Spain)イタリア(Italy)フランス(France)ベトナム(Vietnam)(pdf形式)韓国(Korea)

Let me know if there’s any other help I can do there.

I’m back at work now on lots of  new things for you.  And this week, after 20 years, English will for the first time become a compulsory subject in Japanese primary schools so I’m going to be helping as many teachers as possible to make the transition as smooth as possible.

A lot of the bonuses from last week have gone, but please enjoy the ones that are still there including Mido’s Brilliant Games Book & the  Time to Tidy Up & Other Songs

Normally I’d finish off a post by saying “till next time”  but this time I sincerely hope we’ll never, ever have to do this again.

In any case I’m very grateful and very proud of you all.

Ganbare and be genki,


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

5 Responses to “Thank you.”

  1. Margit

    This is a difficult situation to comment on; I’m not really in the position to say “Thank you” nor is this an event to say “congratulation”
    Still I feel very grateful!
    Thanks Richard, this was a great idea!

    Now, I hope that many of the teachers who bought the pack will join the Forum and keep exchanging ideas and discussions.

    I feel very very strongly that our job as a teacher really starts NOW! With this situation.
    Too many things that are going wrong (and I don’t mean only the disasters here in Japan) have their roots in the quality of education.

    I think if I start writing down all my personal “stories” from the last 2,5 weeks it would make a book. I’ve learned tons, it wasn’t easy and it was really painful from time to time.
    But I knew where to get my power back, HERE!
    Each single comment was so uplifting and inspiring, and I think a very deep thing I have struggled with my whole life (called: worrying!) is in the process of being solved.

    Thank you, Richard, in first place,
    and everyone else here!!!

  2. Jocely Kikuchi

    Hi Richard,
    That’s a brilliant and a humanitarian spirit. One mind is better than two minds. Personally I’m proud of you of doing things for the sake of humanity.
    Have a nice start and continue your good skills for education. Youth are the hope of the world. I have still many thigs to say, but opps a saleman is coming at my door.

  3. Emmanuelle

    Hello Richard!

    I am glad your call for help has been heard.
    This was jus a brilliant idea and wonderful offer and gesture, and a new bond between people.
    I am glad the ESL ” community ” echoed your gesture.
    I know bogglesworld, Mes English,DreamEnglish which is cute for little ones and I LOVE Devon from SuperSimpleSongs. Devon and you Richard seem to be such sweet guys and so good at teaching English!

    Can we still have the kids write / draw messages for the kids/ teachers in japan?

    Margit I will try to join the forum now and then since now I am a member ! It looks like you are very involved in the forum !

    See you there!

  4. Lines

    Hi Richard and everyone who is there as a VIP members.
    Richard you are not only the best teacher, you are like Teresa de Calcuta, helping everybody in Japan.
    Thank you because when my kids saw their messages in the japanese page, they wanted to draw more, to send more messages and everyone in Ponferrada has seen them, so I hope someone can buy your good method, which is the best.Thank you very much and a huge hug from the kids who everyday ask me if you and the japanes people are save, They ask me for the videos where you are teaching genki english to japones people.

  5. Julia

    Dear Richard!

    We always meet people in our life who influence us, our feelings and choice of the way we go. They do it NOT for the sake of personal profit BUT for the sake of good.

    You’re the person who made hundreds of us become more human, conscious, and active. You’re a great energizer with a big loving heart and creative thinking! Be always genki!


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