Tokyo & Okazaki Coffet Awesome Workshops!


Thank you to everyone who came to this weekend’s amazing workshops in Tokyo and Okazaki – you were all fantastic!

The Tokyo one was particular crazy with 80 very, very genki teachers – and “aspiring” teachers – which was pretty cool.

Although at one point I did have to break out all my regular discipline techniques to keep them under control  – no, you can’t just break out into chats and selfies in my workshops! 🙂

Here’s a little of what we did…

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Disco Warm up – to get everyone genki

The Agreement– we all listen and work as a team.

Genki English Rules (check out the video)

How not to lose your voice

Michel Thomas and accelerated learning.  ( I also have a video coming up soon on high pressure learning)

Top 100 words in English & Efficiency ->  Hence why we always teach in sentences.

For the demo lesson plan ( Warm Up -> Input -> Output) as it’s Marine Day tomorrow we went with Under the Sea and renamed the Nemo Game as the Dory game!

And remember the Diamonds not coal.

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As everyone was so good we did the When is your birthday? song – which is a total riot,  I so should have videoed the reaction to it! 🙂

After lunch ….

We started off with a little about the “Grow (or start) your own school” coaching program – and congratulations to those of you who joined us this weekend! ( I did just open it up for a couple of people even though it’s actually closed!)

In the afternoon I dropped it down a bit as we had so many attendees who’ve never actually taught yet (they are wanting to learn and get qualified first) and they were feeling quite overwhelmed already so I slowed it down with …

How much + Bargaining game

Weather + Clap Clap Game  –

Pronouns + Dinosaur game + How are you?

Ninja Tip:  Notice the positive endings in all these songs,  that’s how we have the kids going home with such positive energy!

Then I kept the Superhero song to the end, just in case anyone needed a pick up & Projects  & Kamila & Margit’s Kids – Princeton MBA level stuff!

And as a special request the Thank you song to finish with.

That was a long two days, and once everyone knew what was expected of them it was amazing and we actually finished both days early – which is very rare!

Then I just totally crashed out!  Luckily a very nice dinner with everyone woke me back up and for the first time in ages I went to karaoke.   A very cool bunch of people.

And in Okazaki …..


Okazaki on Saturday was also fantastic, we went through a lot of the same content in the morning,  then in the afternoon we ramped it up with

Genki Phonics ( + Phonics I song,  Phonics Ure Song)

Discipline techniques – it’s a shame you didn’t see Tokyo,  I actually had to use all these! 🙂

And also  What are you doing?  & Harry Potter

Workshop in your city?

Thank you to everyone there too – you were amazing as always!

And a huge thanks to Coffet for organising these workshops.

If any of you reading this would like to organize a workshop like this where you are,  well these guys did it in just 8 weeks.  And it was awesome!

So get your core group of teachers together and get in touch.

So a few more days in Tokyo, then next week is 5 city tour of Vietnam!  Are you ready to start Hanoi?


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!