12 Genki Days of Christmas!

A few years ago a very genki group of teachers including Margit and Roy got together to come up with the idea of a simpler version of the 12 Days of Christmas.    It works fantastically well with the other Genki Christmas lessons to sing a traditional song in a new way with lots of really useful Christmas vocab!

It’s also on Facebook and in the new Vol. 14 and in the Teacher’s Set.

You sing the song just like the Animals Picture Book,

  1. Split the kids into 11 groups.
  2. Each group gets one day to sing.
  3. Everyone sings “Five Gold Rings” because you know it’s the most awesome line 🙂

Like with the  Animal picture book  it is pretty awesome to see in action!

Here are the Lyrics:

12 Candy Canes
11 Christmas Turkeys
10 Christmas Candles
9 Christmas Puddings
8 Christmas Stockings
7 Christmas Snowmen
6 Christmas Angels
5 Gold Rings
4 Christmas Presents
3 Christmas Cards
2 Christmas Trees
And a cute little Baby Monkey!

All the vocab is in the previous  Genki English Christmas songs so it makes this really easy to do.

You can find Candy Cane, Snowman, Tree, Card, Present & Stocking in the Genki Christmas song.

Angels, Candles, & Turkey are in the operatic Let’s decorate the tree song, and of course Baby Monkey is everywhere! 🙂

And for VIP*s we have more bonuses ….

(* VIPs are those amazing teachers who have treated themselves to the Genki English Teacher’s Set Superpack!) 

VIP mini cards

12 Genki Days of Christmas minicards

And I just made up some ….

VIP A4 Flashcards:

12 Easy Days of Christmas Trees


VIP Picture Books

And here is the Picture Book as a reward for when you are finished!

Here is the international English “I have” version:

And the British English “Have I got” version:

Plus there is also the No Maths Mix  version too!


Be genki,


P.S.  Check out all the other Genki Christmas lessons here!


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

3 Responses to “12 Genki Days of Christmas!”

  1. Fanitsa

    Hi Richard, thank you for putting this up! I will use it right away! I have a group of 9 year olds learning how many are there? there are 5 bla blas…so today we will firstly revise the how many are there? question using these flash cards, and then learn this song. I will also combine it with Where are the Chrsitmas presents, there are 5 Christmas presents under the tree… I will try to make up some worksheets to go with it…

  2. Robin

    Hello Genki Richard 🙂


    I love this song ~ my elementary school kids love it, junior high students and even ‘genki’ business classes have fun, too.

    Print out the flashcards and have a fun class ~


  3. María Jesús Rodis Martínez


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