As Volume 14 is now professionally mastered and released, it’s time for your new lesson plan pages:
- Little Red Riding Hood Morning Routines
- Baby Monkey’s Morning Routines ( verbs + “At …. o’clock”)
- Goldilocks & the 3 Bears ( “Who ….” )
- The Bremen Town Musicians (linking together the “Doctor, Doctor” “What do you want to do?” and “Where are you going?” lessons.)
- Little Red Riding Hood 2 – At Grandma’s House (“Why do you have ….”)
As these themes come nearer the end of the curriculum they have a lot more content, but it is basically the same 1 2 3 lesson plan:
1. Warm Up and Review
2. Introduce the pronunciation and check the meanings of the new material.
3. Output with a game or activity.
And for a lot of these the activity will of course be a play based on the song – which of course makes it so much easier to remember all the lines! 🙂
Enjoy and keep checking back soon as I add more updates.
Be genki,
P.S. I’ll add in extra printables as I get requests, so let me know what you need ASAP. The biggest request so far was for the Evaluation Worksheets to show the parents, so here you go! 🙂