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1. New CD Volume 7!
2. Where is Baby Monkey? Game
3. CD7 Launch Party in Kyoto
4. And finally
I hope you are enjoying the beginnings of Summer. Here's something to make
it even hotter...
1. CD Volume 7 is here!
Recorded in the UK, Japan and Nashville, Tennessee, here you have a whole
new selection of brand new Genki English songs and games. Again the key
here was language that the kids want to be able to say in English, but
I've also filled a few more gaps between other lessons ( e.g. family members
etc.) and a couple of teacher requests. These songs have become big hits
in the test schools, and I'm sure your kids will love them!
CD Owners Club members can download all the new A4 picture cards, mini
cards etc. and everyone can check out the online demo songs and lesson
plans. The new themes are:
Genki Disco Warm Up
What would you like for breakfast?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
What time is it? 2 ( for teaching minutes)
It's not bad, it's good!
Come on, Come on!
Can you kick?
Where is Baby Monkey? (Rooms)
Phonics abc song fast and slow mixes are also included as bonus audio tracks)
The CD is released today. It's available on its own for 4,200 yen or if
you are a CD Owners Club member, or purchase CD7 at the same time as the
CD 6 Pack the price is only 1,980 yen + post and packing. There's also
a download pack for readers overseas.
Plus if you don't wish to pay the post and packing, you can always add
a copy of CD7 on to your next Student Pack order.
You can find out more here:
2. Where is Baby Monkey?
One of the new CD7 themes is "Rooms of the house". This theme
was a big request from teachers. There are many simple games you can play
with this song, but for for a slightly higher level game, try this one...
1. Teach CD7's "Where is Baby Monkey?" song ( and also make sure
you've done CD2's "Monkey Family" song in a previous lesson.)
2. Print out one set of rooms of the house and monkey family mini cards
3. Secretly put one family member and one room in an envelope and keep
it at the front of the class.
4. Hand out the remainder of the mini cards to the kids. ( Put them in
groups for large classes). Everyone keeps their cards secret!
5. Do a simple review type quiz of today's, and previous weeks', new English.
6. The group who answered correctly get to guess what is in the envelope.
For example they say "Is Grandma Monkey in the dining room?".
7. If a group has either Grandma Monkey or the Dining Room they shout out
"No!" ( because of course if they have the card it can't be in
the envelope). The point is they don't say which card they have, so you
only know that it is either Grandma Monkey or the Dining Room.
8. Continue from 5 until the envelope contents are figured out!
You may have heard of this game before, it's a classic and this simplified
version works a treat in reviewing both family members and the new rooms
of the house. If it does become too easy, you could try the new Rabbit
Brothers and Sisters from CD7's "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
theme for more variations and hence a longer game. Or even better add in
CD2's "What are you doing?" cards where the kids them have to
ask "Is ( family member) (verb) in the ( room of the house)"
e.g. "Is Mr Monkey fishing in the kitchen?" - the stranger the
sentence the more the kids laugh!
Many of the other new CD7 songs have new games, have a look at:
3. CD7 Launch Party in Kyoto July 28th, 29th
It's great to hear the songs on the CD, but I'm sure you'd love to actually
see them in action. On Sunday July 29th I'll be hosting a day long Genki
English teaching workshop. We'll start off with all the main Genki English
basics, then move on to hopefully feature all the new CD7 songs. The workshop
costs 9,000 yen, and you get that back if you purchase a Superpack, Picture
Card Pack or Student Pack on the day. Most of the workshop will probably
be in Japanese, but if there are enough non-Japanese speakers there I might
throw in some explanations bilingually, plus of course there'll be plenty
of time for lots of questions, answers & theme requests.
If you are interested please send me an email and I'll send you the full
application details.
Plus on the day before there'll be a kids show which will also hopefully
feature some CD7 songs. The price for this is 1,500 yen per child for the
hour and parents are requested to attend. Again send me an email and I'll
send you the details.
4. And finally ...
That's it for now. I've just got back from Dubai & the UK and am just
about to head off to workshops in Thailand and then Hong Kong. But I'm
getting lots of great feedback on how to use the new CD7 songs in the classroom,
so I'll keep you up to date on my blog with plenty of new ideas, and if
you have any of your own please send them in.
Order your CD7 today and enjoy the new songs!
Be genki,
Richard J. Graham
The Genki way to Teach.
Primary School English Games, Songs and Activities
And if you like the ideas in this newsletter, please feel free to forward
it on to your friends!
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