For those of you who might have missed some of the great new ideas and games we’ve had over the pst 365 days, we’ve had some pretty fantastic games and ideas in the catch up so far with Part 1 and Part 2.
Here’s the final installment …..
- What are you doing for the next 15 years?
- New Game: Bash it Simon Times!
- Kiev Pre-Conference in Video
- Software Update: Rock, Paper, Scissors
- New Game: Lucky Months & Lucky Days
- Genki Phonics & “Funky Words” Minicards
- New Game: Simon Says on Mondays
- Getting Started With Genki English
- The most popular lesson after the holidays……
- European University Research into Genki English
- Getting Better Students: Ninja Tips on How to explain the Homework Program to Parents
- Genki English Tour: Kiev 2015!
- New Game: Peg Spell It
- Warsaw Workshop Recap – Amazing!
- Poland Day 1: Warsaw, Beautiful & Yet More Why
- Snoozy Afternoon Class to Super Crazy Class
- All the Games, Songs & More from the Slovakia Workshop 2015
- New Game: I’m you!
- The Good Dinosaur Picture Book
- Genki English Kids Yoga Poses
- Trevor’s Genki English Comics!
- Advanced Adults: Transform your Students’ Lives with Superhero Gratitude
- Brainy Level Kindergarten Workbook
- Great Barrier Game
- Happy New Year of the Monkey! 🙂
- The Hungry Caterpillar & Genki English
- Genki English on a Cinema Screen – in 4K!
- Star Wars Day Today!
- How to find partner schools to do video exchanges with
Wow, that is quite a lot! I hope you enjoyed some of them and do let me know what you’d love to see more of in 2016!
Be genki,