If you’re back teaching this week then a fun, genki review can be a great way to get the year off to a great start. ย Here are my top ideas for you …
1. The Secret Warm Ups
If you are doing a super efficient “get the best results in the best possible time” course then go through the Secret Warm Ups as usual.
Allow a few more minutes than the last time you saw the kids ( they will have forgotten some things after all!) and you’ll be all up and running ASAP!
Or if you have a bit more time to spare in class, try some of these games to review whatever you feel you need to…
2. How many questions?

Quick simple no prep review. ย A little advanced.
3. Hop to the Dog

Put up all the flashcards you’ve done around the room for total chaos fun! ย (Needs some verbs for this one)
4. Soliders & Ninjas

This one always seems to crop up, ย it’s great for demos or when you have other teachers to help you. ย ย You can of course call it anything you want, “Fluffy Pie Penguins” and “Marshmallow Minotaurs”??
5. You think? ย Minicard Board-game

This one is a bit different, you use all the mini cards you’ve done so far this year and play this cool board game.
6. The Lines Quiz

More usually done as a warm up review, but can be stretched out to 15 to 20 minutes if you have the time!
7. Unlucky Days

A twist on the “Unlucky 13” game that you can use to review days of the week, months of the year, ordinal numbersย (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.)ย or anything that is in a list.
8. What did you say?

This was always a favorite of mine for the end of training sessions. Lots of speaking and shouting across the room. ย Works great with adults too!
9. The Fishing Game

If you can use the gym or a balcony, this is one fun game!
10. Yes and ……
One for the adult or advanced students here, ย just see what huge “conversations” they can come up with! ย (Also fantastic for business/entrepreneur classes)
11. Immigration Game

Some passport fun!
Bonus Oldie: Jeopardy

Long, long before I developed Genki English I used to use this game every few classes to check what the kids had remembered.
Bonus:ย Step in it!ย

Only for use in *that* class. ย You’ll know the one when you see the game!
Plus of course all you amazing VIP Members* have the full online Genki English Games Databaseย and for offline use you can get all the Genki English games ebooks.
Ninja Tip: ย On your iPhone load up the pdfs below and select “Open in iBooks” ย you’ll now be able to access them offline in class!
* If you’re not a VIP member yet, ย get your Teacher’s Set order in today and you’ll have instant full access too.
If you like the list, or have any others you’d love to add, please do add them in the comments below!
Be genki,
P.S. ย The Discipline eBook is also available for VIP Members: