Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

UPDATE: ย Thanks to everyone for your feedback on this, vol. 12 is now on sale! OK, first off I’m working on getting a special deal sorted for t...

UPDATE:ย  Thank you very much to everyone who helped test the software!ย  The Beta Test is now closed, but the Vol 12 Softwareย is now available for e...

Something’s coming…. real soon. beta…beta…beta...

I know you’re probably all head over heels with Halloween at the moment, but … September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! And...

This is a great game I heard from Diep at the ACET meeting the other day. ย Their next meeting is October 2nd and for 1,500 yen you get a ton of great...

A lot of teachers think that Genki English songs are just for grade school (years 1 to 12) kids. But just look at the all the comments my latest track...