If you’re wanting lots of funky new ideas, to polish up your skills or just a little inspiration, here’s what we’ve covered in the last 12 months of Genki English!
January – Cold & Goals & Games in video

I was in Kiev and we had special game videos of Super Cute Egg & Rockets. & the Tumbling Tower Game.
We did a quick teaching goals activity – and these apply for 2018 too! and if you were feeling stuck we had Feeling stuck? Be like the snowball which made Dacha cry.
I updated the Brainy Level Lesson Plans and also did a couple of info packed LIVE Q&A videos for you.
The main focus of the month was Why do some teachers get amazing results and others struggle for years without seeing progress?
And I talked about how the ancient Chinese Grains of Rice proverb can be used to really increase the amount of vocab we teach.
Plus being January we had the Happy New Year Song.
February – Imagination & Armin Van Buuren

My friend Mary launched her Teaching Children and Teens with Autism Course & I went to check out Armin Van Buuren, sharing some of the top 5 Teaching Tips I Learnt Last Night – these were really great for teenagers.
We had 10 New Imagination Worksheets, My Top Tip for Awesome Lessons and in Lviv for a friends’ wedding I also started a new show on Facebook: 30 Day Positive Words Challenge
Lots of people were asking about discipline, so I showed one of my go to techniques Discipline: What would your Karate teacher do?
Curriculum requests were also popular so I had 3 Things Your ESL Curriculum Should Contain.
March – Mary Poppins and Higs & Snabbits

Kathy sent in her rather fantastic Mary Poppins Game and my niece came up with the rather magical Higs & Snabbits
My interview with Julian from Doing English went viral with some of my never before learning strategies and stories on My Approach to “Extreme Language Learning” Video Interview
We also talked a little about the Imposter Syndrome and Do you ever wonder if you’re doing a good job?
And for those of you who needed a little more money you had No money? Why group lessons are better for you, better for your students & better for everybody
April – Arizona & Teacher Training Academy

I was in Arizona and the main focus of this month was the online Teacher Training Academy.
That was just so amazing, having so many teachers putting themselves out there, uploading videos and for most of them improving beyond belief.
It was such a good experience & thank you everyone for joining me. I know a lot of you are asking for this to open again this year, but doing the Academy last year meant I only had one blog post for the whole month! So I don’t think I’m going to get chance to open the Academy in this format again – it just takes too much time, even if it was so awesome!
P.S. The one blog post was a really good ideas packed interview for the amazing Pro English blog.
May – Spain & Tony Robbins

I was in London for Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within Event. And I wrote up my 4 Take Aways for Teachers after 4 Days with Anthony Robbins – it was quite an experience!
One of the big things was taking time off, so after the Teacher Training Academy I needed a rest so went to Spain for a week, did anti-gravity Yoga everyday and “read” 21 books in 24 hours
Lots of teachers were now graduating their students from Genki English so started asking What to do *after* Genki English? +Lots of other tips and tricks
And I put up a permanent place to do the Video Exchanges & Where to find your perfect partner school.
After seeing the success of the Teacher Training Academy we persuaded Margit to share her experience in a new course and she started it off with an awesome, and free Free Teaching Masterclass with Margit
June – Moscow!

June was an incredible 5(!) Day Live workshop in Russia – 2 Days Genki English, 2 Days Genki Business and a bonus extra day of Games! Thank you everyone in Moscow!
P.S. We’re going to be doing the first 4 days of this as an event in Minsk this May year, 2018!
An interesting question that came up was Which lessons to skip?, and I just cut the price of the Teacher’s Set. Wait, I did what??
Plus I started a new show on Facebook: Get your freedom back! Brand New 21 Day Challenge
July – Italy was awesome!

If you get chance to join just one Genki English workshop – make it the big summer one in Europe. It was so, so amazing Italy & Russia 2017 – The best workshops yet with AWESOME teachers!
The best thing was the teachers from the School Owners Program and Teacher Training Academy who flew in from half a dozen different countries to a beautiful resort on the Italian coast and the atmosphere was just electric. Lessons by the pool? Check! Amazing, amazing teachers? Check! Talking from 7:30AM to 1AM about amazing teaching ideas? Check!
I was pretty Genki after all that so I did the Flip Your Classroom with the Genki English “Superclass”, a quick silly game to check in on the craze of the summer Fidget Spinning Left & Right and a little housekeeping with Flashcard/Worksheet Printing Problems.
August – 100s of Teachers in the Tour of Vietnam

A quick plane ride from Venice to Hanoi ( how cool is that!) and on tour in Vietnam. 6 cities with hundreds of teachers and hundreds of miles travelled. It was *really* tough with so many primary school teachers, but some places were just amazing and a fantastic way to celebrate my 20th anniversary of first teaching in Asia. I’m on tour in Vietnam right now …
And a new Facebook Show with Are you ready for the 21 Day “Be an AWESOME teacher!” Challenge!
September – Lots of VIP contents for you!

After such an amazing summer I was well energized so seemed to bring a ton of new content for the new school year.
The The 21 Day “Be an AWESOME Teacher” challenge! kept going with the most popular pages being How to reach *every* student in class, Once you have your “Why” everything else becomes easy. Why do YOU do what you do? and The simple 1,2,3 lesson plan. The only lesson plan you’ll ever need.
We talked about how to Take Monday as Review Day, I asked What’s the best thing in your life right now ?
And for VIPs I had All these VIP goodies for you …. , Lots of teaching FAQs , & New Legend and Miracle Level Workbooks
October – This is how you do live events!

As usual October was dominated with Happy Halloween Everyone!
After the success of her last course, Margit opened up enrollment again and started off with another amazing free session on her Top Tips for Live Events
I also asked How’s your day today? and we had some amazing comments and reactions over on Facebook which I share with you with Your Top Tips for One-on-One Lessons and Your Top Tips for Big Classes
November – Vol. 14 & Italy!

I finally got some quiet time to settle down in beautiful Lake Como and started getting the vol. 14 lessons ready for you with New Song & Lesson: Baby Monkey’s “This is my Day” Daily Routine! and Little Red Riding Hood Morning Routines!
I talked about How to stay organized with what you have taught the students?.
We had Sophie’s Report on using Genki English with her Adult Students
December – Prague, super fluent kids & new songs!

I was on tour in Prague, which was awesome, it’s so good seeing Genki English in action!
Is it really possible to get completely fluent students? Absolutely, yes! Brendan has .
I popped into Rene & Zuzu’s classes and Wow – now this is the way to teach!
Of course I popped into the Opera, Are you a conductor or the lead singer?
Lots of people were asking about the vol. 14 upgrades so OK, you can purchase your Vol.14 and get the upgrades now! 🙂
And we finished off the year with 2018 Homework Calendars for you (1)
And on to 2018 ….
So that was a pretty full and quite amazing year. Facebook was huge, and especially the Italy workshop was so, so good.
The Teacher Training Academy was a huge success, but took up far too much of my time along with the School Owners Program, so hopefully this year I’ll pull back a little from those.
For me now it’s to getting the rest of vol. 14 finalized, getting back into the studio for lots of new music and of course the big event in Minsk in May!
I wish you a huge success in 2018 – let’s make this dream of transforming how education is taught into a huge reality in every country we teach in!
Be genki,
P.S. Which of these links did you find most useful? Do let me know in the comments – it really helps me know what content to focus on for the blog this year!
Hi Richard!
Thank you for the incredible year, all the inspiration, ideas, and support you provided all the time, and for creating online communities for teachers!
May all your wishes come true!
Wishing you the best of luck!
Thanks for your tips am as teacher get it helpful.
Thanks a lot.