Getting Started & FAQs

This page contains loads of advice in articles, hints and tips sections and lots of the “deeper stuff” behind Genki English. It’s not just fun and games, everything has to be there for a reason!

If there’s anything you can’t find here, then let me know and I’ll see if I can include it!

The Basics


Frequently Asked Questions:


Best of the blog

There are also lots more on the VIP Members’ Forum.

Starting your own school?



For Teachers in Japan

Other Advice

Other Lesson Ideas

Kids Com Magazine articles.
My monthly column is in ALC Publishing’s “Kodomo Eigo” magazine, but in the year 2001 I also had a column published in the magazine “kids com”. They were for Japanese teachers who wanted to know more about team teaching with ALTs or Assistant Language Teachers. They were written with the Japanese version in mind so sometimes seem a little strange, but I think you might find them useful!


About Genki English